One of the first graphical projects at 42 school, fract-ol generates beautiful fractals from the complex numbers of an iterative mathematical construct. A fractal is a fragmented geometrical figure that infinitely repeats itself at smaller scales. This project uses the school's graphical library, MiniLibX.
This project has been archived in the state it was in at the time of evaluation.
Finished: 22/04/2022.
Grade: 125%.
Note that this project was tested on Linux only. It may run on MacOS with small adjustments to the Makefile, as described in hsmits and jvan-sni's 42 Docs.
Clone the repository, including the embedded MiniLibX repository:
git clone && cd fract-ol && git submodule init && git submodule update
You will now be in the correct directory for compilation. Compile with make
. Fract-ol should now be ready!
At execution time, you must specify a fractal to display. You may also provide other optional parameters:
./fractol <type> <options>
Types are :
, or1
: Mandelbrot fractalJ
, or2
: Julia fractalB
, or3
: Burning Ship fractalT
, or4
: Tricorn fractalX
, or5
: Mandelbox fractal
For the Julia fractal set (and only this set), two additional parameters can be specified as calculation values. These represent a complex number that will change the shape of the Julia fractal. They must be fractional numbers between 2.0 and -2.0. For example:
./fractol J 0.285 -0.01
Additionally, you may specify a hexadecimal color for the fractal display:
./fractol M 00CCFF
Please note that for the Julia set, the color option will only be available after specifying calculation values:
./fractol J -0.4 0.6 65CD87
While Fractol is running, the following set of controls are available:
Controls | Action |
W A S D or ▲ ◄ ▼ ► | Move |
- , + or scroll wheel | Zoom in and out |
space | Change color scheme |
left click | Shift Julia set [Julia only] |
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , or 5 | Switch fractals |
esc or close window | Quit fract-ol |
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