Easy date manipulation for Swift language
- state of library: experimental
Yes. And it's a very good API, but it makes simple, often performed date computations relatively cumbersome, especially for new developers.
This framework provides a set of simple types for simple date and time computations such as:
- calculating time deltas (how much time from Date to Date)
- offseting dates by certain amount of time
- parsing String into Date
- syntax sugar for readable Date manipulation
var firstDate = Date() // now
var seconddate = Date(dateString: "2014-03-10 12:00:00 PST")
XCTAssertTrue(secondDate.year, 2014)
XCTAssertTrue(secondDate.timezone, NSTimeZone.localTimeZone())
XCTAssertFalse(firstDate == secondDate, "simple object comparison")
var timeDelta = firstDate - secondDate // time delta as object
var someTime:Date = Date() - timeDelta // simple date offsetting
// or even simpler
var anotherTime = Date(dateString: "2014-03-10 12:00:00 PST") - TimeDelta(days:2)
XCTAssertEqual(anotherTime.day, 8, "very simple, isn't it")
Pull from github, add as a framework and voila. For the time being this is the only way to install this lib, though I'll add it to CocoaPods as soon as I consider it alpha, currently this is experimental.
Open a pull request, add a branch and you're good to go.
Currently only me, hit me at mdomans@gmail.com