Alloy Titanium widget to display an image or username initals in a round view.
gittio install
git clone app/widgets/
And add in your config.json, under dependencies
"dependencies": {
"": "*"
<Widget src="" id="circleView" diameter="80" ... />
Args assigned in the XML will be the default and overright the attrs assigned in the controller.
/* default is 62*/
"diameter": 120,
/*No default */
"top": 35,
/*No default */
"left": 15,
/*default is a random color */
"borderColor": "#000000",
/*default is 2*/
"borderOffset": 0,
/*default is 1*/
"borderWidth": 5,
/*default is a random color */
"backgroundColor": "transparent",
"textColor": "F3F3F3",
/*default is a random color */
"initials": "MP",
/*default is {fontSize: $.imageView.borderRadius, fontWeight: 'bold'}; */
"font": {fontSize: 20, fontWeight: 'bold'}*/