Wutlang - An esoteric programming language based heavily of Brainf*ck.
Wutlang version 1.0
Wutlang is an esoteric programming language, with capabilities for netIO and fileIO.
This is heavily inspired by Brainf*ck.
Basic Functions
- '<' - Takes the cursor back one spot.
- '>' - Takes the cursor forwards one spot.
- '.' - Output current heap cell to current output as character. Default output is console.
- ',' - Set current heap cell to current input. Default input is console.
- '+' - Increases current heap point.
- '-' - Decreases current heap point.
- '[' - Open loop. Skips past ']' if 0 at heap.
- ']' - Close loop. Returns to '[' when found.
Stack Functions
- '^' - Push current input to stack.
- 'V' - Drop current input from stack to heap.
Network Functions
- '$' - Open network connections on localhost at port specified as characters until 0 After the 0, the length should be specified as a raw number. Cursor will be on length afterwards.
- '@' - Set network stream as input.
- '!' - Set network stream as output
- '%' - Close network stream.
- '~' - End server.
File Functions
- '&' - Open file connections. Filename is characters until 0.
- 'o' - Set file as output.
- 'i' - Set file as input. Appends.
- 'p' - Clears file.
- 'e' - Closes file streams.
Standard IO Functions
- 'c' - Set console as output.
- 'r' - Set console as input.
- '#' - Comment character. This line is a comment. Supports inline comments.
- ':' - Dump heap.