A (currently WIP) node.js wrapper for philomena-based imageboards (like derpibooru).
NOTE: Still WIP! Updating between minor versions may break the package. Use a tilde version specifier (~) in package.json
to only accept patch updates, which should not break.
- node (tested on current and all LTS)
- package manager (pnpm is what I recommend)
pnpm i philomena
npm i philomena
yarn add philomena
- latest release: https://pcelestia.github.io/node-philomena/latest/.
- main branch: https://pcelestia.github.io/node-philomena/main/.
- now it actually works and the tests actually test
- docs update (darnit npm)
- initial setup
- getfeatured: gets a featured image
- this was a setup release, nothing much noteworthy