Note: This tool has been mostly supplanted by Feynman
Written by Matthew Amy
T-par is a quantum circuit optimizer utilizing sum-over-paths representations to analyze and re-synthesize Clifford+T circuits.
The default algorithm is described in the paper Polynomial-time T-depth Optimization of Clifford+T circuits via Matroid Partitioning. It creates a semantic representation of a quantum circuit where the phase of a basis state in the output is given by a polynomial over the input and "path" variables. This representation causes individual phase gates to be combined or cancelled in the polynomial, reducing the total number of phase gates (notably, T gates). Matroid partitioning is then used to optimally parallelize the remaining phase gates during resynthesis.
To build T-par, run make in the top level folder.
tpar requires the following libraries:
- Boost
Boost should be available through your package manager. Additionally, your compiler needs to support the c++0x/c++11 standard, or otherwise the code will likely require some (minor) modifications.
Run T-par with
./t-par [options]
tpar takes a circuit in the .qc format (a description can be found in the QCViewer repository) from standard input and outputs the resulting .qc circuit to standard output. The circuit can only contain the single qubit gates H, P, P*, T, T*, X, Y, Z, and the two qubit tof (CNOT) gate. It also accepts doubly controlled Z gates, i.e. Z a b c.
Demos are also available in the subfolder "demos". For example, to compute an optimized 6-bit cucarro adder, use the command
./t-par < demos/cucarro_adder.qc
-ancillae [0.., unbounded] - Specify the number of ancillae to add during
resynthesis. A natural number argument adds that
number of ancillae, while "unbounded" allows the
synthesizer to use as many ancillae as needed to
maximally parallelize phase gates
-no-hadamard - Perform the T-par algorithm only on {CNOT, T} subcircuits. It
may provide better T-parallelization in some circuits
-synth=[ADHOC,GAUSS,PMH] - Specify the synthesis method for linear reversible
circuits (i.e. {CNOT} circuits). ADHOC is an
informal (but correct) Gaussian elimination type
algorithm, GAUSS is formal Gaussian elimination,
and PMH is the asymptotically optimal algorithm
described in "Optimal synthesis of linear
reversible circuits"
-no-post-process - Turns off post processing of the synthesized circuit to
remove swap gates and trivial identities. Turning this off
may speed up synthesis for very large circuits
-log - Display a log of the algorithm's process
This README is far from complete, so please feel free to email me at if you have any questions or if you find any bugs.