This is my experiment to run Monogame+MonolithEngine UWP app on/in W10M Astoria :) This is my "UWP fork" of some interesting (but archived) small & lightweight 2D video game engine named MonolithEngine.
- Target: Windows UWP (some mobile ui elements present for "touch ui").
- Monolith Engine tweaked (it incapsulated into Engine folder).
- Game tweaked a little too (it incapsulated into Game folder because of monolith structure)))
- Min. Win. OS Build descreased to 10240 (Astoria Compatibility)
- Not tweaked Monogame 3.8 library used (it reduces project size, but so many UI stranges)
- On Lumia 950, app starts; On Lumia 640 it no operable without PC connected/debug mode :( On Lumia 640 "Astoria" project deployable but app no operable (failed on start)
- Design folder added (use it via LDtk level editor)
- Level 3 (Draft) added for my better game mechanics exploring ;)
This app requires Visual Studio 2017/2019/2022 Community to run. Click here to learn how to get set up with Visual Studio.
- Install MonoGame 3.8 for Visual Studio from
- Clone or download this repository
- Open Monolith.sln in Visual Studio.
- To run the app, press F5. To quit, press ESC.
For a step-by-step walkthrough of the code, check out the MonoGame 2D tutorial on
I hope you will enjoy it, and I'm very happy to receive any feedback as it's an important part of learning.
Assets used for the game:
- If you decide to use PC Mode You may notice some game screen distortions. The problem that is IsMobile function always returns true... It must be fixed manually: replace true on false... and tweak SCALE_X and SCALE_Y to your own better values...
- No game scene scaling on sersor screen. TouchPanelSwipe not coded yet.
- Level 3 (in Level select menu) has incorrected xbf files (copy of level2)
- Low gravity (Hyper-jumping). This is powered on only for game process debug symplify :) - Lajos Rajna aka Lajbert, the author of original MonolithEngine project - small & lightweight 2D video game engine based on Monogame
As is. No support. RnD only. DIY.
As is. No support. For Learning purposes only. DIY
[m][e] 2024