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TORCH - Transfer Of Resources in Clinical Healthcare


Transfer Of Resources in Clinical Healthcare or Torch is a project that aims to provide a service that allows the execution of data extraction queries on a FHIR-server.

The tool will take a CRTDL and StructureDefinitions to extract specific resources from a FHIR server. It first extracts a cohort based on the cohort definition part of the CRTDL using either CQL or FLARE and FHIR Search. It then extracts resources for the cohort as specified in the cohort extraction part of the CRTDL, which specifies which resources to extract (Filters) and which attributes to extract for each resource.

The tool internally uses the HAPI implementation for handling FHIR Resources.


The Clinical Resource Transfer Definition Language or CRTDL is a JSON format, which specifies a data request. This request is composed of two parts: The cohort definition (for who (which patients) should data be extracted) The data extraction (what data should be extracted)


TORCH interacts with the following components directly:

  • A Feasibility Analysis Request Executor (FLARE)
  • A FHIR Server
  • Reverse Proxy (NGINX)

The reverse proxy allows for integration into a site's multi-server infrastructure and provides a means of serving the extracted data.

CQL Support

CQL is supported. If your FHIR server does not support CQL itself then the FLARE component must be used to extract the cohort based on the cohort definition of the CRTDL.

Component Interchangeability

All components work with well-defined interfaces making them interchangeable. Thus, there are different middleware clients and FHIR servers to chose from.

This leads to the following setup options:

  • FLARE (FHIR Search) - FHIR Server (not CQL ready)
  • FHIR Server (CQL ready)

The Setup can be set using the TORCH_USE_CQL setting in the enviroment variables


mvn clean install


java -jar target/torch-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar 
mvn spring-boot:run


For simplicity torch is integrated in the feasibility-triangle of the feasibility-deploy repository, but can also be installed without it.

Environment Variables

Name Default Description
SERVER_PORT 8080 The Port of the server to use
TORCH_PROFILE_DIR structureDefinitions The directory for profile definitions.
TORCH_MAPPING_CONSENT mappings/consent-mappings_fhir.json The file for consent mappings in FHIR format.
TORCH_MAPPING_CONSENT_TO_PROFILE mappings/profile_to_consent.json The file mapping profiles to consent codes.
TORCH_FHIR_USER "" The FHIR server user.
TORCH_FHIR_PASSWORD "" The FHIR server password.
TORCH_FHIR_OAUTH_ISSUER_URI "" The URI for the OAuth issuer.
TORCH_FHIR_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID "" The client ID for OAuth.
TORCH_FHIR_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET "" The client secret for OAuth.
TORCH_FHIR_URL http://localhost:8081/fhir The base URL of the FHIR server to use.
TORCH_FHIR_PAGE_COUNT 500 The number of pages in a FHIR search response.
TORCH_FLARE_URL http://localhost:8084 The base URL of the FLARE server to use.
TORCH_RESULTS_DIR output/ The directory for storing results.
TORCH_RESULTS_PERSISTENCE PT2160H Time Block for result persistence in ISO 8601
format in hours/minutes/seconds. Default 90 days
TORCH_BATCHSIZE 100 The batch size used for processing data.
TORCH_MAXCONCURRENCY 100 The maximum concurrency level for processing.
TORCH_MAPPINGS_FILE ontology/mapping_cql.json The file for ontology mappings using CQL.
TORCH_CONCEPT_TREE_FILE ontology/mapping_tree.json The file for the concept tree mapping.
TORCH_DSE_MAPPING_TREE_FILE ontology/dse_mapping_tree.json The file for DSE concept tree mapping.
TORCH_USE_CQL true Flag indicating if CQL should be used.
NGINX_SERVERNAME http://localhost:8080 The server name configuration for NGINX.
NGINX_FILELOCATION http://localhost:8080/output The URL to access Result location TORCH_RESULTS_DIR via NGINX
info Log level for Spring Web Reactive client functions.
info Log level for Netty reactor-based networking.
LOG_LEVEL_REACTOR info Log level for Reactor framework.
info Log level for torch core functionality.
error Log level for HAPI FHIR library.
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE active The active Spring profile.
SPRING_CODEC_MAX_IN_MEMORY_SIZE 100MB The maximum in-memory size for Spring codecs.

Examples of Using Torch

Below, you will find examples for typical use cases. To demonstrate the simplicity of the RESTful API, the command line tool curl is used in the following examples for direct HTTP communication.

TORCH REST API (based on FHIR Bulk Data Request)

Torch implements the FHIR Asynchronous Bulk Data Request Pattern.


The $extract-data endpoint implements the kick-off request in the Async Bulk Pattern. It receives a FHIR parameters resource with a crtdl parameter containing a valueBase64Binary.

scripts/ src/test/resources/CRTDL/CRTDL_observation.json | curl -s 'http://localhost:8086/fhir/$extract-data' -H "Content-Type: application/fhir+json" -d @- -v

The Parameters resource created by scripts/ look like this:

  "resourceType": "Parameters",
  "parameter": [
      "name": "crtdl",
      "valueBase64Binary": "<Base64 encoded CRTDL>"

Response - Error (e.g. unsupported search parameter)

  • HTTP Status Code of 4XX or 5XX

Response - Success

  • HTTP Status Code of 202 Accepted
  • Content-Location header with the absolute URL of an endpoint for subsequent status requests (polling location)

That location header can be used in the following status query: E.g. location:"/fhir/__status/1234"

Status Request

Torch provides a Status Request Endpoint which can be called using the location from the extract Data Endpoint.

curl -s http://localhost:8080/fhir/__status/{location} 

Response - In-Progress

  • HTTP Status Code of 202 Accepted

Response - Error

  • HTTP status code of 4XX or 5XX
  • Content-Type header of application/fhir+json

Response - Complete

  • HTTP status of 200 OK
  • Content-Type header of application/fhir+json
  • A body containing a JSON file describing the file links to the batched transformation results
curl -s 'http://localhost:8080/fhir/$extract-data' -H "Content-Type: application/fhir+json" -d '<query>'

the result is a looks something like this:

  "requiresAccessToken": false,
  "output": [
      "type": "Bundle",
      "url": "http://localhost:8080/da4a1c56-f5d9-468c-b57a-b8186ea4fea8/6c88f0ff-0e9a-4cf7-b3c9-044c2e844cfc.ndjson"
      "type": "Bundle",
      "url": "http://localhost:8080/da4a1c56-f5d9-468c-b57a-b8186ea4fea8/a4dd907c-4d98-4461-9d4c-02d62fc5a88a.ndjson"
      "type": "Bundle",
      "url": "http://localhost:8080/da4a1c56-f5d9-468c-b57a-b8186ea4fea8/f33634bd-d51b-463c-a956-93409d96935f.ndjson"
  "request": "http://localhost:8080//fhir/$extract-data",
  "deleted": [],
  "transactionTime": "2024-09-05T12:30:32.711151718Z",
  "error": []

Output Files

After Response Complete is returned the result files in ndjson format are located in Output directory set in enviroment variables.

Download Data

If a server is set up for the files e.g. NGINX, the files can be fetched by a Request on the URL set in NGINX_FILELOCATION in enviroment variables.

curl -s "http://localhost:8080/da4a1c56-f5d9-468c-b57a-b8186ea4fea8/f33634bd-d51b-463c-a956-93409d96935f.ndjson"

NDJSON: Result Bundles

The ndjson will contain one transaction bundle per Patient with "Dummy Resources" for maintaining referential integrity for Patient and Encounter resources, if the adequate Resources were not part of the extraction process. I.e. there is always at least a Patient resource containing profile and id set.

For example:

  "resourceType": "Patient",
  "id": "Patient_1",
  "meta": {
    "profile": [

Analogously an Encounter containing profile, status and id is set.

Masked Fields

Required fields that were not extracted and slices that are unknown in the Structure Definition are set to Data Absent Reason "masked".

For example a CRTDL only extracting Condition.onset will result in this:

  "resourceType": "Condition",
  "id": "TestID",
  "meta": {
    "profile": [
  "code": {
    "extension": [
        "url": "",
        "valueCode": "masked"
  "subject": {
    "extension": [
        "url": "",
        "valueCode": "masked"
  "onsetDateTime": "2024-10"

Supported Features

  • Loading of StructureDefinitions
  • Redacting and Copying of Resources based on StructureDefinitions
  • Parsing CRTDL
  • Interaction with a Flare and FHIR Server
  • MII Consent handling
  • OAuth Support

Outstanding Features

  • Operation Outcomes for Errors
  • Auto Extracting modifiers
  • Black or Whitelisting of certain ElementIDs locally
  • Clinic internal code System for internal
  • MultiProfile Support
  • Verifying against the CDS Profiles
  • Extended Reference Resolving


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.