Welcome to the Sliding Picture Puzzle Game! This game is a classic sliding puzzle where the goal is to rearrange the scrambled tiles to form a complete image. The game includes features such as a timer and move counter to challenge you to solve the puzzle as quickly and efficiently as possible.
To get started with the Sliding Picture Puzzle Game, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/sliding-picture-puzzle-game.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd sliding-picture-puzzle-game
- Open index.html in your web browser:
open index.html
- Load the game: Open the index.html file in your favorite web browser.
- Start a new game: Click on the "New Game" button to shuffle the tiles and start the timer.
- Move tiles: Click on any tile adjacent to the empty space (white tile) to move it into the empty space.
- Track your progress: The game will display the number of moves you have made and the time spent on the current game.
- Simple game: Click the "Simple Game" button to reset the puzzle to a nearly solved state, allowing you to solve it in just one move.
- Win the game: Arrange the tiles to form the complete image to win. A congratulatory message will appear, and you can choose to start a new game.
- Tile Swapping: Click on tiles adjacent to the empty space to swap them.
- Timer: Tracks the time spent on the current game.
- Move Counter: Tracks the number of moves made during the current game.
- Shuffle Function: Randomizes the tiles to start a new game.
- Simple Game Function: Resets the puzzle to a nearly solved state for an easy win.
- Win Detection: Alerts the player upon successfully arranging the tiles in the correct order.
- index.html: The main HTML file that structures the game.
- style.css: The CSS file that styles the game.
- script.js: The JavaScript file that contains the game logic.
- pokemon.jpg: The image used for the puzzle.
- favicon.ico: The browser icon image for the game's site.