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Andrias Meisyal edited this page Apr 29, 2017 · 3 revisions

You can configure the extension before generating the code. This is supported by this extension to generate the code, as you prefer.

Supported Configurations

The latest version of this extension handles configuration below:

  • Use Tab

    Use tab for indentation instead of spaces. The default value is OFF.

  • Indent Spaces

    Number of spaces for indentation. The default value is 2.

  • The initialized method

    Generate initialize method (def initialize). The default value is ON.

  • The to_s method

    Generate to_s method that returns a string representation of the object. The default value is ON.

  • Documentation

    Generate documentation of class elements. The default value is ON.

How to configure

Please, follow these steps below:

  1. Click Tools -> Ruby -> Configure... on menu bar of StarUML. Preference window will appear.
  2. Manage the configuration for code generation. There are some preferences as explained above. You can always restore default configurations by pressing Restore Default Settings button.
  3. Press Close button when you have configured.
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