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Prove BB(3,3) id 642 doesn't halt
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int-y1 committed Oct 9, 2024
1 parent ce2f22e commit c6877bf
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Showing 2 changed files with 189 additions and 1 deletion.
188 changes: 188 additions & 0 deletions verify/BB33_642.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
(** * Unofficial holdout ID 642 1RB2LB---_1RC2RB1LC_0LA0RB1LB *)

From BusyCoq Require Import Individual33.
From Coq Require Import PeanoNat Decidable.
From Coq Require Import Lia.
Set Default Goal Selector "!".

Definition tm : TM := fun '(q, s) =>
match q, s with
| A, 0 => Some (1, R, B) | A, 1 => Some (2, L, B) | A, 2 => None
| B, 0 => Some (1, R, C) | B, 1 => Some (2, R, B) | B, 2 => Some (1, L, C)
| C, 0 => Some (0, L, A) | C, 1 => Some (0, R, B) | C, 2 => Some (1, L, B)

Notation "c --> c'" := (c -[ tm ]-> c') (at level 40).
Notation "c -->* c'" := (c -[ tm ]->* c') (at level 40).
Notation "c -->+ c'" := (c -[ tm ]->+ c') (at level 40).

Lemma merge_1 : forall (r : side) (n : nat) (s1 : sym),
[s1]^^n *> s1 >> r = [s1]^^(S n) *> r.
intros. rewrite lpow_S, Str_app_assoc, <- lpow_shift'. trivial.

(* B> 1^t => 2^t B> *)
Lemma r1_l2 : forall (t : nat) (l r : side),
l {{B}}> [1]^^t *> r -->*
l <* [2]^^t {{B}}> r.
induction t. { execute. }
intros. rewrite <- merge_1. follow IHt. execute.

(* 2^(2t) <B => <B 1^(2t) *)
Lemma l22_b_r11 : forall (t : nat) (l r : side),
l <* [2]^^(t*2) <{{B}} r -->*
l <{{B}} [1]^^(t*2) *> r.
induction t. { execute. }
intros. replace (S t * 2) with (S (S (t*2))) by trivial.
rewrite <- merge_1. rewrite <- merge_1. follow IHt. execute.

(* 2^(2t) <C => <C 1^(2t) *)
Lemma l22_c_r11 : forall (t : nat) (l r : side),
l <* [2]^^(t*2) <{{C}} r -->*
l <{{C}} [1]^^(t*2) *> r.
induction t. { execute. }
intros. replace (S t * 2) with (S (S (t*2))) by trivial.
rewrite <- merge_1. rewrite <- merge_1. follow IHt. execute.

(* 1 C> 1^(2t+3) 0^∞ => 2221 C> 0 1^(2t+1) 0^∞ *)
Lemma l1r111_l2221r01 : forall (t : nat) (l : side),
l << 1 {{C}}> [1]^^(t*2+3) *> const 0 -->*
l << 2 << 2 << 2 << 1 {{C}}> 0 >> [1]^^(t*2+1) *> const 0.
intros. replace (t*2+3) with (S ((t+1)*2)) by lia. execute.
follow r1_l2. execute.
follow l22_b_r11. replace ((t+1)*2) with (2+t*2) by lia. execute.
follow r1_l2. rewrite merge_1. execute.
follow l22_b_r11. rewrite merge_1. execute. rewrite merge_1.
follow r1_l2. rewrite <- merge_1. execute.
follow l22_b_r11. execute.
follow r1_l2. execute.
follow l22_c_r11. rewrite merge_1. finish.

(* C> 1^(2s+2) 0 1^(2t+3) 0^∞ => 11 C> 1^(2s+4) 0 1^(2t+1) 0^∞ *)
Lemma r110111_step : forall (s t : nat) (l : side),
l {{C}}> [1]^^(s*2+2) *> 0 >> [1]^^(t*2+3) *> const 0 -->*
l << 1 << 1 {{C}}> [1]^^(s*2+4) *> 0 >> [1]^^(t*2+1) *> const 0.
intros. replace (s*2+2) with (S (s*2+1)) by trivial. set (t*2+3). set (t*2+1). execute.
follow r1_l2. execute.
follow l1r111_l2221r01. set (t*2+1). execute.
follow l22_c_r11. execute.
follow r1_l2. execute.
follow l22_b_r11. execute.

(* C> 1^(2s+2) 0 1^(2t+1) 0^∞ => 1^(2t) C> 0 1^(2s+2t+5) 0^∞ *)
Lemma r110111_finish : forall (t s : nat) (l : side),
l {{C}}> [1]^^(s*2+2) *> 0 >> [1]^^(t*2+1) *> const 0 -->*
l <* [1]^^(t*2) {{C}}> 0 >> [1]^^(s*2+t*2+5) *> const 0.
induction t.
{ intros. replace (s*2+2) with (S (s*2+1)) by trivial. execute.
follow r1_l2. execute.
follow l22_b_r11. repeat rewrite merge_1. execute. }
intros. replace (S t * 2 + 1) with (t * 2 + 3) by lia.
follow r110111_step. replace (s * 2 + 4) with ((S s)*2+2) by lia.
follow IHt. repeat rewrite merge_1. finish.

(* 11 2^(2s) 1 C> 0 1^(2t+3) 0^∞ => 2^(2s+6) 1 C> 0 1^(2t+1) 0^∞ *)
Lemma l11221r0111_step : forall (s t : nat) (l : side),
l << 1 << 1 <* [2]^^(s*2) << 1 {{C}}> 0 >> [1]^^(t*2+3) *> const 0 -->*
l <* [2]^^(s*2+6) << 1 {{C}}> 0 >> [1]^^(t*2+1) *> const 0.
intros. set (t*2+3). set (t*2+1). execute.
follow l22_b_r11. execute.
follow r1_l2. execute.
follow l22_c_r11. execute.
follow r1_l2. execute.
follow l1r111_l2221r01. repeat rewrite merge_1. finish.

(* 1^(2s+1) C> 0 1^(2s+2t+1) 0^∞ => 2^(6s) 1 C> 0 1^(2t+1) 0^∞ *)
Lemma l11221r0111_finish : forall (s t : nat) (l : side),
l <* [1]^^(s*2+1) {{C}}> 0 >> [1]^^(s*2+t*2+1) *> const 0 -->*
l <* [2]^^(s*6) << 1 {{C}}> 0 >> [1]^^(t*2+1) *> const 0.
induction s. { trivial. }
intros. replace (S s * 2 + 1) with (S (S (s*2+1))) by lia. do 2 rewrite <- merge_1.
replace (S s * 2 + t * 2 + 1) with (s * 2 + (S t) * 2 + 1) by lia.
follow IHs. replace (s*6) with (s*3*2) by lia. replace (S t * 2 + 1) with (t*2+3) by lia.
follow l11221r0111_step. finish.

(* 1 C> 1^(2s+2) 0 1^(2t+1) 0^∞ => 2^(6t) 1 C> 0 1^(2s+5) 0^∞ *)
Lemma l1r110111_step : forall (s t : nat) (l : side),
l << 1 {{C}}> [1]^^(s*2+2) *> 0 >> [1]^^(t*2+1) *> const 0 -->*
l <* [2]^^(t*6) << 1 {{C}}> 0 >> [1]^^(s*2+5) *> const 0.
follow r110111_finish. rewrite merge_1. replace (S (t * 2)) with (t*2+1) by lia.
replace (s*2+t*2+5) with (t*2+(s+2)*2+1) by lia.
follow l11221r0111_finish. finish.

(* 0^∞ 1 C> 1^(2s+2) 0 1^(2t+3) 0^∞ => 0^∞ 11 C> 1^(6t+6) 0 1^(2s+5) 0^∞
Note: "0^∞ 1 C> 1^(2s+2) 0 1 0^∞" doesn't follow the pattern. *)
Lemma l1_l11 : forall (s t : nat),
const 0 << 1 {{C}}> [1]^^(s*2+2) *> 0 >> [1]^^(t*2+3) *> const 0 -->*
const 0 << 1 << 1 {{C}}> [1]^^(t*6+6) *> 0 >> [1]^^(s*2+5) *> const 0.
intros. replace (t*2+3) with ((t+1)*2+1) by lia.
follow l1r110111_step. execute. replace ((t+1)*6) with ((1+t*3+2)*2) by lia.
follow l22_b_r11. execute.
follow r1_l2. execute.
follow l22_c_r11. replace ((t*3+2)*2) with (4+t*6) by lia. repeat rewrite merge_1. execute.

(* 0^∞ 11 C> 1^(2s+2) 0 1^(2t+1) 0^∞ => 0^∞ 1 C> 1^(6t+2) 0 1^(2s+5) 0^∞ *)
Lemma l11_l1 : forall (s t : nat),
const 0 << 1 << 1 {{C}}> [1]^^(s*2+2) *> 0 >> [1]^^(t*2+1) *> const 0 -->+
const 0 << 1 {{C}}> [1]^^(t*6+2) *> 0 >> [1]^^(s*2+5) *> const 0.
follow l1r110111_step. set (s*2+5). execute. replace (t*6) with (t*3*2) by lia.
follow l22_b_r11. execute.
follow r1_l2. execute.
follow l22_c_r11. repeat rewrite merge_1. execute.

(* 0^∞ 11 C> 1^(2s+2) 0 1^(2t+1) 0^∞ => 0^∞ 11 C> 1^(6s+12) 0 1^(6t+5) 0^∞ *)
Lemma l11_next : forall (s t : nat),
const 0 << 1 << 1 {{C}}> [1]^^(s*2+2) *> 0 >> [1]^^(t*2+1) *> const 0 -->+
const 0 << 1 << 1 {{C}}> [1]^^(s*6+12) *> 0 >> [1]^^(t*6+5) *> const 0.
(* "follow l11_l1." doesn't work *)
eapply progress_evstep_trans. { apply l11_l1. }
replace (t*6+2) with (t*3*2+2) by lia. replace (s*2+5) with ((s+1)*2+3) by lia.
follow l1_l11. finish.

(* D(s, t) = 0^∞ 11 C> 1^(2s+2) 0 1^(2t+1) 0^∞ *)
Definition D s t : Q * tape :=
const 0 << 1 << 1 {{C}}> [1]^^(s*2+2) *> 0 >> [1]^^(t*2+1) *> const 0.

(* D(s, t) => D(3s+5, 3t+2). This is l11_next rewritten in terms of D. *)
Lemma D_next : forall (s t : nat),
D s t -->+ D (s*3+5) (t*3+2).
intros. unfold D.
(* "follow l11_next." doesn't work *)
eapply progress_evstep_trans. { apply l11_next. } finish.

Theorem nonhalt : ~ halts tm c0.
apply multistep_nonhalt with (D 0 0). { execute. }
apply progress_nonhalt_simple with (C := fun '(s, t) => D s t) (i0 := (0%nat, 0%nat)).
intros [s t]. exists (s*3+5, t*3+2). apply D_next.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion verify/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ ALLVFILES := LibTactics.v Helper.v Pigeonhole.v TM.v Compute.v Flip.v Permute.v
Cyclers.v TranslatedCyclers.v BackwardsReasoning.v Bouncers.v Individual.v \
BB52.v Individual52.v FixedBin.v ShiftOverflow.v ShiftOverflowBins.v Skelet15.v Skelet26.v Skelet33.v Skelet34.v Skelet35.v \
Skelet10.v Skelet17.v Skelet1.v Finned.v Finned1.v Finned2.v Finned3.v Finned4.v Finned5.v Extraction.v \
BB33.v Individual33.v BB33_494.v
BB33.v Individual33.v BB33_494.v BB33_642.v

all: check verify skelet1

Expand Down

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