This is a proof-of-concept version of a rule-based multiword expression (MWE) identifier for Turkish, designed within a "Construction Grammar" framework. For an early description of Construction Grammar, see Fried, M., & Östman, J. O. (2004). Construction Grammar: A thumbnail sketch. Construction Grammar in a cross-language perspective, 11-86.
The identifier processes the Turkish sentences in data/sentences.txt (UTF-8) and marks any MWEs / constructions described in data/constructicon.txt (UTF-8). For faster processing, data/ contains all possible morphological analyses of all word-forms in sentences.txt. To process additional sentences that contain word-forms that do not occur in sentences.txt, the Turkish morphological analyzer developed by Çağrı Çöltekin must be installed in the directory named TRmorph-master.
The identifier processes the sentences token by token. Every token has three layers of representation: Surface layer, morphological layer, and semantic layer. A MWE is identified whenever a sequence of word-forms, lemmas, suffixes or semantic tags in a sentence matches all requirements of a construction described in the constructicon. Constructions can be described using the surface and/or morphology and/or semantics layers. Iterative identification and other basic features have not been fully implemented yet.
Sample constructicon entries:
'[Number]': [ [992, None, 1, '<Adj>', '[Number]', (1, '[LargeNumber]', None)] ]
Construction 992 states that, whenever a surface form that has the semantic tag [Number] is followed (at Position +1) by a surface form that has the semantic tag [LargeNumber] (without any suffixes), the two surface forms constitute a MWE that has the semantic tag [Number] and the syntactic category <Adj>. Sequences like beş milyon 'five million', 340 milyar '340 billion' would be identified as instances of this construction.
'her<Det:def>': [ [997, None, 1, '<Adv>', None, (1, 'zaman<N>', None ) ]
Construction 997 states that, whenever the surface form her 'all', which has the part-of-speech tag <Det:def>, is followed (at Position +1) by the surface form zaman 'time', which has the part-of-speech tag <N> (without any suffixes), the two surface forms constitute a MWE that has the part of speech <Adv>. In other words, the sequence her zaman 'always' is a multiword adverb in Turkish.