aavMPRA is a simple tool to obtain readCounts of the candidate enhancers generated from our AAV-MPRA library.
git clone https://github.com/mengm5/aavMPRA.git
cd /your_path_to_aavMPRA/aavMPRA ls # aavMPRA aavMPRA_environment.yml data file_description.txt index src test export PATH=/your_path/aavMPRA/aavMPRA:$PATH
Install conda if it is not on your server (https://docs.anaconda.com/miniconda/).
conda env create -n aavMPRA -f aavMPRA_environment.yml
python=3.12.2 (https://www.python.org/) pip: - altgraph==0.17.4 - numpy==2.0.0 - packaging==24.1 - pandas==2.2.2 - pyinstaller==6.8.0 - pyinstaller-hooks-contrib==2024.7 - python-dateutil==2.9.0.post0 - pytz==2024.1 - six==1.16.0 - tzdata==2024.1 bowtie=1.3.1 (https://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/index.shtml) bowtie2=2.5.4 (https://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/bowtie2/index.shtml) samtools=1.20 (https://www.htslib.org/)
bowtie-build ref.fa /your_path_to_save_index/index_name bowtie2-build ref.fa /your_path_to_save_index/index_name # Please refer to the tutorial for details on how to construct ref.fa. # The pre-build index is at /your_path/aavMPRA/index for testing.
# The example file is at /your_path/aavMPRA/data. vim /your_path/aavMPRA/data/fastq_info.txt # Path Fastq Rename Read /aavMPRA/data test1_1.fastq.gz Test1 R1 /aavMPRA/data test1_2.fastq.gz Test1 R2 /aavMPRA/data test2_1.fastq.gz Test2 R1 /aavMPRA/data test2_1.fastq.gz Test2 R2
# The example file is at /your_path/aavMPRA/data. vim /your_path/aavMPRA/data/parameter.txt # Steps Name Parameter Explanation Tool Mode rmAdapters "-g" GCAGATGGCTCTTTGTCCTA "5' adapter to be removed from R1" cutadapt generic rmAdapters "-G" AAGTATCTTTCCTGTGCCCA "5' adapter to be removed from R2" cutadapt generic
aavMPRA -o /output_path \ -f /path_to_fastq_info/fastq_info.txt \ -p /path_to_parameter/parameter.txt \ -m [mutagenesis/common] \ -i /path_to_index/index_name \ [--gz] # output_path: absolute path is recommended. # -m input mutagenesis or common. # if the fastq file saved as .gz file, please add --gz.
If you want to reanalyze from the middle of all steps and do not want to start from the beginning, it is recommended to modify these .sh files.