use std::io;
use jake::friend;
use jake::family;
fn main() {
println!("Hello, Random perosn on that Interwebs!");
let mut name = String::new();
.read_line(&mut name)
.expect("Failed to read line");
println!("Hello, {}!", name);
if name == "Mother" || name == "Xavier" || name == friend::list_of_friends.as_str() || name == family::list_of_family_mem.as_str() { //lol
println!("What you doing here :O");
I am Roman Catholic ✝️
I love working on projects becasue most of the time I need ideas
I am a self taught programmer and I am still learning
Rust (amazing)
Python3 (fun and easy)
C (its a language)
C++ (its a language ++)
Lua (I dont use it much)
Java (classes)
C# (Microsoft Classes)
Javascript (just.. no)
I could get fancy logos for this... but you get this :D