Turns the levels completely dark by removing hidden lights, turning off torches and setting pre-calculated lights to black.
Author: Lajos Mészáros (m_lajos@hotmail.com)
Support me at: https://www.patreon.com/nodengaming
Version: 1.3
There are 3 different versions:
- all is dark, but extinguishable torches are left litversions/torch-off.zip
- all is dark and torches are extinguishedversions/ue4-remake-demake.zip
- same as torch-on, but every light is now orange and brighter, and flames are larger
Torches will not be turned off, if you reload a savefile and revisit a location, that you have already visited
It's hardcoded into the game, that can't be changed: https://github.com/arx/ArxLibertatis/blob/7536846851b5682b78c4168a1098b3aad3fe214a/src/scene/Light.cpp#L72
Unpack the contents of this zip and add it into your Arx Fatalis/Arx Libertatis game's root folder
remove the following files from your Arx Fatalis/Arx Libertatis game's root folder:
- all files with an ".llf" extension from the graph folder
- graph/levels/level3/level3.dlf
- graph/levels/level6/level6.dlf
- graph/levels/level11/level11.dlf
- graph/levels/level14/level14.dlf
- graph/levels/level22/level22.dlf
- game/graph/levels/level3/fast.fts
- game/graph/levels/level6/fast.fts
- game/graph/levels/level11/fast.fts
- game/graph/levels/level14/fast.fts
- game/graph/levels/level22/fast.fts
or if you don't have any other mods installed, then just delete the game and graph folders
Github: https://github.com/meszaros-lajos-gyorgy/arx-fatalis-complete-darkness
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pn_sEgKAJMg
ModDB: https://www.moddb.com/mods/arx-fatalis-complete-darkness