Corrected version of simulate_PCR ( Now works when there is only one sequence in queried database. Tested with blast v2.9.0
November 2, 2014
Bug fix in -mux 0 option. Previously, v1 and v1.1 always ran as -mux 1 even if user had specified -mux 0.
October 22, 2014 v1.1 Bug fixed in the -3prime option.
June 26, 2014 The -3prime option was added. ##############################
#Download simulate_PCR-v1.2.tar.gz #Extract it like this: tar -xvzf simulate_PCR-v1.2.tar.gz
#Make sure it is executable: chmod +x simulate_PCR
perl simulate_PCR
This is a perl script. You must install the following bioperl libraries where they will be found in @INC, so put them where your PERL5LIB environment variable points:
LWP::Simple Getopt::Long Bio::SeqIO
makeblastdb, blastn, and blastdbcmd ( must be in your path. As of testing, BLAST should be version 2.2.27+ or higher, so that all options are available.
Usage: simulate_PCR -db <sequence_database> -primers <primer_probe.fasta> -minlen <min_amplicon_len> -maxlen <max_amplicon_len> -mm <num_mm_allowed> -mux <0|1> -num_threads <#cpu> -max_target_seqs <max#_blast_matches_to_keep_per_query> -word_size <blast_word_size> -evalue -extract_amp <0|1> -3prime <perfect_match_length_at3'end_of_primer>
Command line options are: -db can be fasta file or blastdb of sequences to search -primers fasta file with primers. If paired primers, they must have fasta deflines >idx|F and >idx|R using same idx. If mux, then defline can be anything. If there are probes, deflines must end with |IO, e.g. >probeName|IO. -minlen minimum amplicon length, default 40 -maxlen maximum amplicon length, default 1000 -mm number mismatches of primer to target, including indels, and still allow priming. Does not count degenerate bases in mismatch count. default 3 -mux 0 (paired, i.e. single plex simple rxns with F, R, IO interacting exactly as specified) or 1 (multiplex, complex primer pairings allowed), default 1 -num_threads number of threads (CPUs) to use in the BLAST search, default 1 -max_target_seqs Maximum number of aligned sequences to keep in the BLAST search, this is the value of blastn -max_target_seqs. default 1000 -evalue evalue of BLAST search, default 1000 -word_size word size to use in blast search, default 4 -genes 0 (do not find gene annotation of hits) or 1 (do find gene annotation of hits), default 0 -extract_amp 1 (extract amplicon sequences) or 0 (do not extract amplicon sequences), default 0 -3prime the number of bases at the 3' end of the primer that must match the database sequence in order for a hit, default 3
Example: simulate_PCR -db /usr/mic/bio/blastdb/kpath/all_flatfiles -primers primer.fasta -minlen 80 -maxlen 620 -mm 2 -mux 1 -num_threads 12 -max_target_seqs 10000 -genes 1 -word_size 4 -evalue 1000 -extract_amp 1 -3prime 2
Given a file of sequences or a blastdb and a file of primers, simulate_PCR finds the amplicons produced either from specified primer pairings (-mux 0) or complex multiplex pairings (-mux 1). Report shows # mismatches of each primer to each hit, so you can filter the results for fewer mismatches than specified with -mm.
If -genes 1 is set, then it downloads gene annotations overlapping the amplicon. It will only annotate hits to annotated sequences in Genbank with valid gi.
The contains example input and results.
The first time you run it for a given blast db from the current directory, it creates the db.headers file for blastdb's other than nt. It also saves the blast results. Subsequent runs from this directory will use the db.headers and db.blastout blast results file already created, so they should run faster. If you rerun and do not want to re-use previously computed blast results, you need to delete these files first.
Output files have prefix primerFile.(mux|pair).db (eg primers.mux.nt.*). Suffixes are .amplicons for the tab deliminated file with all amplified products, positions, id's, etc. .amplicon_distribution listing the fragment length distributions for all targets, helpful if you're doing mux and you want to predict gel band positions. .one_primer_but_no_amp list of targets that have one primer match but no amplicon in desired length range .amplicons.fasta fasta formatted amplicon sequences from each target .detection_counts_by_triplet.#mismatches list of the number of database sequences detected by each primer pair and primer/probe triplet, sorted by descending count
Example fasta input for running with -mux 1 or 0, indicating in the case of -mux 0 (singleplex) the way that primers and probes should be paired up. :
Example fasta input for running -mux 1 only. Does not work for -mux 0 since no primer pairings are specified:
Columns in the .amplicons output file are
amplicon_len (amplicon length) HitName (characters before the first space in the fasta defline FP_ID (forward primer ID) FP_seq (forward primer sequence) FP_degeneracies (number of degenerate bases) FP_mismatches (number of mismatches of forward primer to database hit, not counting degenerate bases) RP_ID (reverse primer ID) RP_seq RP_degeneracies RP_mismatches RevcompRP (reverse complement of reverse primer) ProbeID Probe_seq RevcompProbe Probe_degeneracies Probe_mismatches Probe_startOnAmplicon (position relative to start of amplicon) ProbeStrand (plus means it is on same strand as FP, minus means it is on same strand as RP) Start (start position of amplicon in the database sequence) End (end position of amplicon in the database sequence) Full_Hit_ID (full fasta defline or sequence title in blast db) SubjectFullLength (length of the database sequence) AmpliconSeq Primary_tag (gene annotation primary tag information of genes that overlap the amplicon. Multiple annotations overlapping an amplicon are separated by ":::") Gene Product Protein_id Note (from gene annotation)