Denarius v3.3.9.8
Denarius v3.3.9.8 Mandatory Update
Denarius Release Notes:
- Protocol Bump to 33933 (All nodes will need to update)
- Jupiter IPFS now has PeerID and PubKey Support (If using jupiterlocal=1)
- Include Vout TX Hex Data with asm in Transactions
- Added Transaction Sizes to RPC
- Update to FortunaStakes
- Improved FS Status Information
- Updated getinfo and other RPC Commands to return more information
- Updated other RPC commands for use with Kronos (
- Added burn RPC command (Credits to @circuitbreaker88)
- New EUR Balance in QT Overview (Credits to @circuitbreaker88)
- Random updates, fixes, and improvements to Denarius overall
Credits to @buzzkillb for being so kind and hosting our chaindata at
Denarius.exe Hashes
CRC64: 5D4AB44F21EBA00B
SHA256: 8B1D5225214CD08E9388624D0A9A7F5DFEF4623F1B1B1C8EB83D7085DF6B56D1
SHA1: C00315327EA73D6618292F8B5B761D738D3DF93C
BLAKE2sp: 521782DAC158073876426EE25C1BBAEBFB7105A6E2D43DDBFCC4772814C7C544 Hashes
CRC64: 64CB101088A96056
SHA256: 6D5DB6C0F54D39F7DEB52AB8EFC08356FD6B26A87BF3A846F3976CEFEE963E11
SHA1: 4A46AF4DC7D3D6BDB4301C97FA601D704A7D90AA
BLAKE2sp: 7008326400B318F34D1421D357988060BA6E2E27EB56D24DFC755B357F8513C6