Dart package for the Apple App Store Connect API.
It is build to improve the automation of the delivery and deployment process for Flutter / cross-platform apps and is used for the Publisher package.
Following functionality is supported:
- List all provisioning profiles
- Download a specific provisioning profile
With Dart:
dart pub add app_store_connect_apis
With Flutter:
flutter pub add app_store_connect_apis
This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit dart pub get):
app_store_connect_apis: ^0.1.0
To get your authentication credentials, please follow the documentation by Apple.
Initialize the AppStoreConnect
AppStoreConnect('987-654-321', 'A123456', '/path/to/key.p8');
List all profiles:
List<Profile> allProfiles = await appStoreConnect.getAllProfiles();
Download profile:
Profile profile = await appStoreConnect.downloadProfile('myProfileId');
List all builds:
List<Build> allBuilds = await appStoreConnect.getAllBuilds();
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.