watches given locations for changes in files (TDMS) and invokes a script (you can store your paths in the program) This Program is made by Marcel Groesbeek /Mhgsys and is running on multiple machines in a company that calibrates Relative Humidity Sensors
example script to invoke: (just an example)
#Make your own script and save it to your desired location. #Don't forget to make the changes in the FileWatcher Program afterwards.
$ImagesFolder = 'C:\Users\marce\OneDrive\Bureaublad' $BackupImagesFolder = 'G:'
$ImagesFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $ImagesFolder $BackUpImagesFiles = (Get-ChildItem -Path $BackupImagesFolder).Name
foreach($image in $ImagesFiles) { $fileName = $image.Name; if($BackUpImagesFiles -notcontains $fileName) { Copy-Item $image.FullName -Destination $BackupImagesFolder } }
Go to the settings in FileWatcher program (click the gears) and select the scripts location.
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Username = Admin Password = System32!