The goal of this tutorial is to document the setup:
- a droplet running Linux
- using the FluffOS driver
- running the (nightmare3 mudlib)
- and a website
- with TLS
This tutorial was inspired by the following LDMud Tutorial:
As such, this tutorial is opinionated and is based on Debian/Ubuntu, Apache2, Certbox, and systemd.
- Prerequisites
- Server Creation
- DNS Records
- Server Setup
- Website Setup
- Git Setup
- Driver and Mudlib Setup
- Apache TLS Setup
- FluffOS TLS Setup
- Systemd Service Setup
- Test Connections
- Future Updates
This tutorial assumes you have the following:
- a Digital Ocean account
- a domain name to use for
Server Domain Name
- Linux and command line experience
Create the smallest Droplet that satisfies the below RAM requirements. Debian will require less RAM than Ubuntu.
Debian: 1 GB RAM (~$6 USD per month)
Ubuntu: 2 GB RAM (~$12 USD per month)
Note: Ubuntu will require more RAM than Debian.
After creation:
- Add your SSH key.
- Make note of
Server IPv4 address
Add an "A" record with Server IPv4 address
for your Server Domain Name
@ A ###.###.###.###
Connect as root user:
ssh root@`Server Domain Name`
Update existing software:
apt-get update -yy && apt-get upgrade -yy && apt-get dist-upgrade -yy
Install required software:
apt-get install -y build-essential autoconf automake bison cmake git telnet \
telnet-ssl libpq-dev libtool libz-dev libgtest-dev libicu-dev libjemalloc-dev \
libsqlite3-dev libpcre3-dev libssl-dev apache2 default-libmysqlclient-dev snapd
apt-get install -y build-essential autoconf automake bison cmake git telnet \
telnet-ssl libpq-dev libtool libz-dev libgtest-dev libicu-dev libjemalloc-dev \
libsqlite3-dev libpcre3-dev libssl-dev apache2 libmysqlclient-dev
Setup non-root user:
adduser mud
Copy SSH key from root user:
mkdir ~mud/.ssh
cp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ~mud/.ssh/
chown -R mud:mud ~mud/.ssh
Reboot server after updates:
systemctl reboot
Set your timezone if you don't want the default UTC.
timedatectl list-timezones
timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York
Connect as root user:
ssh root@`Server Domain Name`
Setup website root directory:
mkdir /var/www/mud
cat >> /var/www/mud/index.html << EOF
<head><title>MUD Website</title>
<body>MUD Website</body>
chown -R mud:www-data /var/www/mud
Setup Apache:
vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/mud.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName `Server Domain Name`
DocumentRoot /var/www/mud/
Disable default, enable mud, restart.
a2dissite 000-default
a2ensite mud
systemctl reload apache2
http://Server Domain Name
should connect and display.
Connect as mud user:
ssh mud@`Server Domain Name`
Setup git:
git config --global "your@email"
git config --global "Your Name"
Setup github key:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your@email"
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
Copy ~/.ssh/
to your GitHub SSH keys:
Connect as mud user:
ssh mud@`Server Domain Name`
Download mudlib with driver submodule:
git clone --recurse-submodules
Note: FluffOS driver version included with nightmare3 may be outdated.
Setup for mudlib shortcut/permissions:
ln -s /home/mud/nightmare3/ /home/mud/game
chown -R mud:mud ~mud/game
find . -type d -exec chmod g+s {} \;
Build the FluffOS driver:
cd game
Adjust mudlib config:
vi /home/mud/game/nm3.cfg
Update mudlib directory to the correct absolute path:
# absolute pathname of mudlib
mudlib directory : /home/mud/game/lib
Connect as root user:
ssh root@`Server Domain Name`
Setup Certbox:
snap install core
snap refresh core
snap install --classic certbot
ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot
Utilize the LDMud deploy hook to automatically copy renewed certs into mudlib directory:
mkdir -p /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/
curl -o /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/fluffos-hook \
chmod +x /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/fluffos-hook
Adjust the line for certs_path
in /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/fluffos-hook
to point to where TLS certificates will be stored in the mudlib. For example:
certs_path = f"{mud_home}/lib/secure/etc/tls"
certbot --apache
https://Server Domain Name
should connect and display.
Seed initial certificates to mudlib:
certbot --force-renewal
If it doesn't work, you can manually set up the initial files:
cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/`Server Domain Name`/fullchain.pem ~mud/game/lib/secure/etc/tls/`Server Domain Name`.crt
cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/`Server Domain Name`/chain.pem ~mud/game/lib/secure/etc/tls/`Server Domain Name`.issuer.crt
cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/`Server Domain Name`/privkey.pem ~mud/game/lib/secure/etc/tls/`Server Domain Name`.key
chown mud:mud ~mud/game/lib/secure/etc/tls/*.pem
Adjust mudlib config:
vi /home/mud/game/nm3.cfg
Add a telnet port with TLS, pointing to the certificates from the previous step:
external_port_2: telnet 6667
external_port_2_tls: cert=secure/etc/tls/`Server Domain Name`.crt key=`Server Domain Name`.key
Connect as root user:
ssh root@`Server Domain Name`
Create /etc/systemd/system/mud.service
Description = FluffOS MUD Driver
After =
Type = simple
User = mud
Group = mud
WorkingDirectory = /home/mud/game
ExecStart = /home/mud/game/
WantedBy =
Reload, manually start, check status:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start mud
systemctl status mud
To check FluffOS MUD Driver output:
journalctl -e -u mud
Enable MUD service at restart:
systemctl enable mud
Connect as root user:
ssh root@`Server Domain Name`
Test telnet:
telnet localhost `Telnet Port`
Test SSL telnet:
telnet-ssl -z ssl localhost `TLS Telnet Port`
This tutorial could be improved with the following updates:
- nightmare3 - verify websocket web client works
- nightmare3 - should display if user is connected via TLS port
- nightmare3 - update driver version for efun::sys_refresh_tls(external_port_# of TLS_PORT)
- - possibility of fork for FluffOS
- automated script for initial server setup