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Add comment to create a test PR #4

Add comment to create a test PR

Add comment to create a test PR #4

Workflow file for this run

# This workflow is used to download the Linux boot files from the Azure Artifact feed
# and upload them as artifacts so that they can be used in the proceeding workflow.
# The workflow runs under previledged mode to allow authentication with Azure.
# Do not check out untrusted code (code from any PR) in this workflow.
# Note that the workflow is run based on the workflow file of the base branch to protect against malicious workflow in the PR.
name: Pre-CI
- jiechen3/github_runner
LCOW_ARTIFACT_PROJECT: "ContainerPlatform"
LCOW_ARTIFACT_FEED: "ContainerPlat-Dev"
LCOW_ARTIFACT_NAME: "azurelinux-uvm"
LINUX_BOOT_FILES_PATH: ${{ github.workspace }}/LinuxBootFiles
# This job downloads the Linux boot files from the Azure Artifact feed and
# create the rootfs containing the local Linux-GCS. It needs to be run on
# the 1ES github runner pool in order to access the Azure Artifact feed.
- ubuntu-latest
# - self-hosted
# - 1ES.Pool=containerplat-github-runner-pool-east-us-2
# - 1ES.ImageOverride=github-mms-ubuntu-22
id-token: write # This is required for OIDC login (azure/login) to succeed
contents: read # This is required for actions/checkout to succeed
- name: Check access
if: ${{ github.event.pull_request.author_association != 'COLLABORATOR' && github.event.pull_request.author_association != 'OWNER' }}
run: |
echo "Author association: ${{ github.event.pull_request.author_association }}"
echo "Pull Request: ${{ github.event.pull_request }}"
echo "Event not triggered by a collaborator. Will not continue CI."
exit 1
# - name: Checkout hcsshim
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# show-progress: false
# Install Azure CLI and login to Azure
- name: Azure OIDC Login
uses: azure/login@v2
client-id: "930a0428-2b45-4cf9-9afe-b81bde516504"
tenant-id: "72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47"
allow-no-subscriptions: true
- name: Download Linux artifact from feed
uses: azure/cli@v2
azcliversion: latest
inlineScript: |
az extension add --name azure-devops
az artifacts universal download \
--organization "" \
--project ${{ env.LCOW_ARTIFACT_PROJECT }} \
--scope project \
--feed ${{ env.LCOW_ARTIFACT_FEED }} \
--name ${{ env.LCOW_ARTIFACT_NAME }} \
--version ${{ env.LCOW_ARTIFACT_VERSION }} \
--path ./downloaded_artifacts
- name: Show downloaded lcow artifacts
run: find ./downloaded_artifacts -maxdepth 3 -ls
- name: Create directory for storing linux artifacts
run: |
mkdir -p ./linux_artifacts/
- name: Copy Linux kernel and rootfs tar files
run: |
mv ./downloaded_artifacts/LinuxBootFiles/kernel ./linux_artifacts/
mv ./downloaded_artifacts/LinuxBootFiles/vmlinux ./linux_artifacts/
mv ./downloaded_artifacts/rootfs-*.tar.gz ./linux_artifacts/
# This is a workaround to overcome the limitation of actions/upload-artifact@v4 used in later jobs.
# See
- name: Tar the files to preserve file permissions prior to upload
run: |
cd linux_artifacts
tar -cvf linux_artifacts.tar .
# Upload the Linux boot files so that they can be used in later jobs.
- name: Upload Linux artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: linux_artifact
path: linux_artifact.tar
if-no-files-found: error
overwrite: true
retention-days: 1