Added AppSource Validation functions
New functions Invoke-IngestionAPIGet, Invoke-IngestionAPIGetCollection, Invoke-IngestionAPIPost, Invoke-IngestionAPIPut, Invoke-IngestionAPIDelete to interact with Partner Center Ingestion API
New function Get-AppSourceProduct to get information about products on AppSource
New function Get-AppSourceSubmission to get detailed information about a submission of a product on AppSource
New function New-AppSourceSubmission to create a submission of a new version of a product on AppSource
New function Promote-AppSourceSubmission to promote a submission of a product on AppSource from preview to live / production
New function Cancel-AppSourceSubmission to cancel an in progress submission of a product on AppSource
Support getting NextMajor of countries with no current release in Get-BcArtifactUrl
Added new functions New-ALGoAppSourceContext, New-ALGoStorageContext and New-ALGoAuthContext to create context structures used for AL-Go for GitHub
Issue #2650 issue warning if TaskScheduler is not running when using UploadImportAndApply-ConfigPackageInBcContainer