This is a project built on top of PicoRv32 core to show case how to build many different interfaces using FPGA to extend the capabilty of a system. It uses Intel Cyclone10LP evaluation kit as FPGA development platform.
SPI debuger interface
Provide high speed data communication between target and host PC. It uses FTDI FT2232HQ Breakout Board to convert SPI to USB interface.
UART interface
Provide intput/output serial console.
HyperRAM controller
Provide system bus to HyperRAM bridge to allow CPU to direct access HyperRAM.
PS2 keyboard interface
Provide keyboard input console.
PlayStation2 joystick interface
Provide flexible game control capability.
VGA controller
Provide VGA console (320x240) mode for the system.
SPI flash controller
Read/write flash chip on Intel Cyclone10LP evaluation kit.
Timer, GPIO, SRAM, etc.
This project is developed under Windows environment. Before compiling, please make sure the following required tools are installed and under the PATH environment variable.
- make tool
- riscv-none-embed-gcc toolchain
Build bootloader
Run following commands:
cd RiscvApp\Bootloader make clean && make
Build Shell
Run following commands:
cd RiscvApp\Shell make clean && make
Build MX_RISCV verilog code
Open mx_soc.qpf with "Quartus 18", and then use "Start Compilation" menu to start complilation. Once done, the final SOF binary will be generated at output_files\mx_soc.sof.
- Connect FPGA SPI debug to FTDI FT2232HQ chip and then connect FTDI FT2232HQ to PC host through USB. Please replace the default UART driver with libusb-win32 driver for its interface 0 using zadig tool.
- Connect FPAA UART interface to PC host through a USB to serial adaptor. Open the UART with a terminal tool such as "Putty", and set baud rate to 115200 without flow control.
- Connect FPGA VGA interface to a VGA compatible monitor.
- Connect FPGA PS2 keyboard interface to a PS2 keyboard.
- Connect FPGA PlayStation 2 interface to a PlayStation 2 joystick.
- Connect Intel Cyclone10LP evaluation kit USB connector to PC host.
- Connect Intel Cyclone10LP evaluation kit power supply.
- Download SOF to Intel Cyclone10LP evaluation kit Intel Cyclone10LP FPGA evaluation kit provides built-in USB blaster and can be used to program the FPGA device. Use "Quartus Programmer" tool to download mx_soc.sof into FPGA through USB blaster interface. If everything works well, you should see a print from UART console "CYCLONE10LP RISC-V Loader v1.0: OK".
This project is tested under Windows environment. Please install Python 3.8 or above.
Boot to Shell
Run following commands:
cd RiscvApp\Shell make run
The Shell banner should be printed on serial console. And more shell command can be used from serial console.
Run Shell
Run following commands:
cd RiscvApp\Shell make run
The Shell banner should be printed on serial console. And more shell command can be used from serial console.
Run LodeRunner
Run following commands:
cd RiscvApp\LodeRunner make run
LodeRunner should show up on VGA console.
To play, use PS2 arrow keys to move the runner and 'z' and 'x' to dig holes.
Run Sprite demo
Run following commands:
cd RiscvApp\Shell make images make sprite
Demo should show up on VGA console.
Run Raiden demo
Run following commands:
cd RiscvApp\Shell make images make raiden
Demo should show up on VGA console.
PlayStation2 joystick can be used to move the fighters and shoot.
- The RISC-V core is borrowed from picorv32. Thanks to cliffordwolf for sharing such a neat RV32 implemention. Very helpful for beginners like me.
- The LodeRunner game is ported from x16-LodeRunner. Thanks to CJLove for providing the LodeRunner game source. It brought back lots of my childhood memory. :)
- The Raiden/Sprite demo used many images from Raiden1990. Thanks to Margeli for those wonderful images.