This is the server of RemoteTouch, you should do the following steps to setup the server.
1.Prepare a server(Recommend CentOS) with public IP address and Java 17 environment.
2.Build the project and generate artifacts(rt.jar), or download rt.jar from RELEASE, then upload the rt.jar file to the server.
3.Grant permissions to rt.jar.
chmod 777 rt.jar
4.Ensure these four network ports(6899, 4245, 6898, 4244) are available, then run the following scripts.
For foreground:
java -jar rt.jar
For background:
nohup java -jar rt.jar &
Download Client APK and Server JAR to start your trail!
For some VPS, there are public IP and private IP at the same time, you may create ip_public.txt(Content is public IP address) and ip_private.txt(Content is private IP address) in the same directory as rt.jar, reboot and run the rt.jar again.