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It is CakePHP-Quickpay-Plugin done based on Quickpay API php library

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CakePHP Quickpay Plugin

This is a simple component and helper that interfaces a CakePHP app with Quickpay's PHP API based on Quickpay API php library.
This plugin works with the QuickPay API for the version greater than 5 protocol.
Technical documentation can be located at


Tested with CakePHP 2.x


Using git:

You will need the plugin. Using git, something like this:

git clone APP/Plugin/Quickpay  


All configuration is in APP/Config/bootstrap.php.

Required: Load the plugin:


or load all plugins:


Required: Set your Quickpay merchant(quickpay_id), MD5 secret key:

Configure::write('Quickpay.quickpay_id', 'yourQuickpayQuickpayIdHere');
Configure::write('Quickpay.secret', 'yourQuickpayMD5SecretKeyHere');

Optional: Set Quickpay mode, either Live(0) or Test(1). Defaults to Test(1) if not set.

Configure::write('Quickpay.testmode', 1);

Optional: Set the Quickpay apikey. Default apikey NULL API key is an alternative to IP based API access control and should be provided if you haven't whitelisted your servers IP in the QuickPay Manager

Configure::write('Quickpay.apikey', 'yourQuickpayAPIKeyHere');


public $components = array( 'Quickpay.Quickpay' );

Assuming that you already created an instance of the QuickPay object, you can now contact the API with all available message types.

You are only allowed to do authorizes and subscribes through the QuickPay API if your setup has passed the full PCI certification. Please use the QuickPay Payment Window instead.
Please refer to the bottom of this document to see uses with the QuickPay Payment Window.

Message type: authorize

This message type is used when the merchant wants to validate refund card data against the card issuer and authorize a transaction. The transaction amount is only reserved at the card holder's account and not withdrawn from the account - unless the autocapture field is set to TRUE.


// Authorize a payment and reserve the amount for later capture
$response = $this->Quickpay->authorize($unique_ordernumber, '100', 'EUR', '4571123412341234', '0912', '123');

// Authorize a payment and reserve the amount and capture it immediatly (third parameter set to TRUE
$response = $this->Quickpay->authorize($unique_ordernumber, '100', 'EUR', '4571123412341234', '0912', '123', TRUE);	

Message type: subscribe

Like the message type authorize, this message type is used when the merchant wants to validate refund card data against the card issuer. When the merchant wants to make a withdrawal from the subscription, the id from this transaction is used as a reference for message type recurring.


// Add a subscription to a refund card
$response = $this->Quickpay->subscribe(time(), 'Something', '4571123412341234', '0912', '123');

Message type: recurring

This message type is used when the merchant wants to make a withdrawal from a subscription. The transaction amount is only reserved at the card holder's account and not withdrawn from the account - unless the autocapture field is set to TRUE.


// Reserve a amount to capture later
$response = $this->Quickpay->recurring($unique_ordernumber, 1000, 'EUR', '21451214' );

// Reserve a amount to autocapture by setting the 5th parameter to TRUE
$response = $this->Quickpay->recurring($unique_ordernumber, 1000, 'EUR', '21451214', TRUE );

Message type: cancel

This message type is used when the merchant wants to cancel the order. A cancellation will delete the reservation on the cardholders account.


// Cancel a transaction
$response = $this->Quickpay->cancel('21451214');

Message type: renew

This message type is used when the merchant wants to renew an authorized transaction.


// Renew a transaction
$response = $this->Quickpay->renew('21451214');

Message type: capture

This message type is used when the merchant wants to transfer part of or the entire transaction amount from the cardholders account.


// Capture an amount for a transaction
$response = $this->Quickpay->recurring('21451214', 1000);

// Capture an amount for a transaction and finalize the transctions (no more captures can done) by setting the third paramater to TRUE.
$response = $this->Quickpay->recurring('21451214', 1000, TRUE);

Message type: refund

This message type is used when the merchant wants to renew an authorized transaction.


// This message type is used when the merchant wants to transfer part of or the entire transaction amount to the cardholders account.
$response = $this->Quickpay->refund('21451214', 1000);

Message type: status

This message type is used when the merchant wants to check the status of a transaction. The response from this message type differs from the others as it contains the history of the transaction as well.


// Get status and transaction history for a transaction ID
$response = $this->Quickpay->status('21451214');
// Get status and transaction history for a transaction from the ordernumber
$response = $this->Quickpay->status_from_order('1234');		

The Response

Handling the response will be explained further down.

The $response variable from the examples contains and object with the following public members:

  • msgtype - Defines which action was performed
  • ordernumber - A value specified by merchant in the initial request.
  • amount - The amount defined in the request in its smallest unit. In example, 1 EUR is written 100.
  • balance - Total amount captured. Only present on status request
  • currency - The transaction currency as the 3-letter ISO 4217 alphabetical code. See for more information.
  • time - The time of which the message was handled. Format is YYMMDDHHIISS.
  • state - The current state of the transaction. See
  • qpstat - Return code from QuickPay. See
  • qpstatmsg - A message detailing errors and warnings if any.
  • chstat - Return code from the clearing house. Please refer to the acquirers documentation.
  • chstatmsg - A message from the clearing house detailing errors and warnings if any.
  • merchant - The QuickPay merchant name
  • merchantemail - The QuickPay merchant email/username.
  • transaction - The id assigned to the current transaction.
  • cardtype - The card type used to authorize the transaction.
  • cardnumber - A truncated version of the card number - eg. 'XXXX XXXX XXXX 1234'. Note: This field will be empty for other message types than 'authorize' and 'subscribe'.
  • cardexpire - Expire date on the card used in a 'subscribe'. Notation is 'yymm'. Note: This field will be empty for other message types than 'subscribe'.
  • splitpayment - Tells if the transaction has the split payment feature enabled.
  • fraudprobability - Fraud probability if fraudcheck was done
  • fraudremarks - Fraud remarks if fraudcheck was done
  • fraudreport - Fraud report if reported as fraud
  • md5check - A MD5 checksum to ensure data integrity. See for more information.
  • is_valid - Contains a boolean which indicates whether or not the response is valid and untampered with.

For status request, another member for the response object is present named history which contains an array with objects containing these members:

  • msgtype
  • amount
  • state
  • time
  • qpstat
  • qpstatmsg
  • chstat

Handling the response

The simple way to handle the response from your request would to make sure that the return code (qpstat) equals to '000' AND that the request is valud (is_valid). Like so:

if( $response->qpstat == '000' && $response->is_valid )
	// The response is valid and the request was approved.
	//Something went wrong

QuickPay Payment Window

To avoid the PCI certification, you should use the QuickPay Payment Window solution.

See all available fields here:

A simple helper is also implemented for creating the nessecary fields AND creating the md5 checksum.
See this example:

	// in your controller
	public $helpers = array('Quickpay.Quickpay');

	//in your view
	$data_fields['msgtype'] = 'authorize';	
	$data_fields['language'] = 'en';	
	$data_fields['ordernumber'] = time();	
	$data_fields['amount'] = '100';	
	$data_fields['currency'] = 'EUR';
	$data_fields['continueurl'] = '.../ok';
	$data_fields['cancelurl'] = '.../error';
	$data_fields['callbackurl'] = '.../callback';

<form action="" method="post">
	<?php echo $this->Quickpay->form_fields($data_fields); ?>
<input type="submit" value="Open Quickpay payment window" />

This create the form with the necessary input fields and pushing the submit button will open the QuickPay Payment window.

For the callback provided in the callbackurl field, you can get the same response object as used in the API:


	//in your callback method		
	$response = $this->Quickpay->callback();	
	foreach($response as $key => $value)
		$message .= "{$key}: {$value}\r\n";
	//you can mail the message or you can save to the database and so on		


To validate the response, do as stated in earlier like mentioned in the API solution.


It is CakePHP-Quickpay-Plugin done based on Quickpay API php library






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