- To avoid media queries.
- To display the tiles grid.
- To split content to equal columns.
- Adaptivity is related to the parent width instead of window width.
yarn add d-grid
or via npm
npm install d-gird
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/d-grid/d-grid.min.css">
import 'd-grid';
@import "~d-grid";
Applying display: grid;
- gap size in range 1-12
Applying gap between rows and columns.
- gap size in range 1-12
Applying gap between rows only.
- gap size in range 1-12
Applying gap between columns only.
- column min-width in range 1-12
Expand columns to available space and apply column min-width.
- column min-width in range 1-12
Fill the row to maximum number of columns and apply column min-width.
The difference between auto-fill and auto-fit for sizing columns is only noticeable when the first row is wide enough to fit more columns in it.
If you’re using auto-fit, the content will stretch to fill the entire row width. Whereas with auto-fill, the browser will allow empty columns to occupy space in the row like their non-empty neighbors — they will be allocated a fraction of the space even if they have no grid items in them, thus affecting the size/width of the latter.
$gaps: 12
- max range of gap classes$fits: 12
- max range of auto-fit classes$fills: 12
- max range of auto-fill classes$minGap: 2px
- min gap size inpx
$maxGap: 190px
- max gap size inpx
$minWidth: 40px
- min column width inpx
$maxWidth: 1000px
- max column width inpx
yarn install
yarn build
├── dist/
│ ├── d-grid.css
│ ├── d-grid.css.map
│ ├── d-grid.min.css