The full-stack CRUD app that allows users to
keep track of their financial accounts, transactions, bills, stocks, etc.
create their own budget plan and see how their expense behavior has gone so far compared to the plan.
visualize their expense behavior (and also their stock portfolios) through different types of charts.
Django (Django Rest Framework): Backend
Celery & Celery Beat: For concurrent and periodic execution of the tasks since the app will need to periodically update credit due date, stock prices, and more.
React: Frontend
ChartJS: For the visualization.
The app also implements JWT Authentication for login/logout system
Some improvements that I'm actively working on:
Integration with Plaid API, which would make the app hugely automatic and is a good plus.
Better design in general.
Front-end is available here. Please clone them along with this repo.
The app will be deployed soon, and there is a demo available in youtube. But below is the guide to run them locally:
Before getting started, make sure that you have Node.JS & Django installed. If not, please visit the websites for the download and installation guide.
Or run the following commands:
pip install django
npm install node
Make sure you also have a PostgreSQL
server up and running, and RabbitMQ
broker for Celery service to run on.
Clone the project
To be added
Finally, run the project
cd bettero-frontend
cd bettero-app
npm run dev
If you have any questions regarding this project, please reach out to me at