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Releases: mikesol/purescript-ocarina

Pursuing purity

10 Aug 08:36
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No more bang. What's bang? I don't know. It never existed. Right? Right. Nor did this commit message that refers to it. Just pure. Pure. Pure. Pure. Pure. Pure. Pure. Pure. Pure.

Oneiric ocarina

20 Jun 19:27
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Changes the name of wags to ocarnia. Wags was great while it lasted, but it has evolved a lot over the past few months and the name is no longer a good fit. ocarina speaks to its association with the hyrule stack, which includes rito and deku. Have fun playing the ocarina! 🎶

Prolix portals

05 Jun 10:25
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Uses a new Bolson portal implementation for more fine-grained portal management.

Friendlier flattening

01 Jun 10:37
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Uses a new Bolson with a nicer flattening algorithm.

Excellent export

26 May 04:27
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Exports AudibleChild ('twas a mistake in the last release for not exporting it, sorry!).

Affable annotation

25 May 14:30
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Adds an AudibleChild to make working with children (in wags) easier.

Performant portals

18 May 03:55
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Upgrades to a new Bolson with better portal logic.

Bodacious Bolson

12 May 09:19
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Using Bolson as the FRP builder 🧱

Dutiful deallocation

04 May 15:57
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Fixes a bug where audio-unit deallocation caused an error.

Calm curves

04 May 11:39
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Makes WaveShaper curves pure functions 📉