just a simple test project exported from unity 2 java (AndroidStudio)
for programming on a unity5.6.0 c# app in android3 java gardle system first should do:
1.File>>Build settings>>Platform>>Android
2.download it
3.hit Player settings button right panel goto:
4.Other Settings>>Identification>>set Package Name
5.uncheck Auto Graphics API >> set it as you wish
6. in Build Settings>>Platform>>Android check Export Project and Build unity side done
android studio side
7.import project as module
7.1.File>>New>>Import Module
7.2.Select the source directory of the Module you want to import and click Finish.
7.3.Open Project Structure and open Module Settings for your project.
7.4.Open the Dependencies tab.
7.5.Click the + icon and select Module Dependency. Select the module and click Ok.
7.6.Open your build.gradle file and check that the module is now listed under dependencies.
8.make your gradle options of build.gradle(unityapp) integrate with your project build.gradle(app).
9.develop and enjoy!!! ;)