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debug nix-build in a nix-shell

  • run the build phases explicitly
  • modify the build phases (they are stored in *.sh files)
  • continue running build phases from a specified line number


working prototype

what works

  • start a debug shell, for example nix-build-debug '<nixpkgs>' -A hello
  • use the runPhase function to run phases, for example runPhase unpackPhase
  • auto-completion for the runPhase function. with runPhase [Tab][Tab] all build phases are listed in order
  • stop and continue calls to the runPhase function. this works by using a bash compiled with --disable-job-control. sending Ctrl-Z (SIGTSTP) to runPhase will stop the whole debug shell. see also doc/

what is not tested

  • continue phase from line N. example: runPhase buildPhase 123 to continue buildPhase from line 123


using nix-shell to debug a failing nix build is not ideal

stop on error

nix-build runs the build as a bash script with set -e so the build stops on the first error

nix-shell starts an interactive bash shell with set +e so that errors dont exit the shell. but with set +e, the build does not stop on the first error, and continues executing commands after the error


$ nix_expr='
  with import <nixpkgs> {};
  stdenv.mkDerivation {
    name = "x";
    buildCommand = "echo buildCommand; false; echo still running";

$ nix-build -E "$nix_expr"
error: builder for '/nix/store/29zpgfmmsvf81m49piy26daxljpnli0s-x.drv' failed with exit code 1;

$ nix-shell -E "$nix_expr"
$ runPhase buildCommand
Running phase: buildCommand
still running

nix-build-debug solves this problem by running the phase functions in subshells

runPhase() {
  ( set -e; $curPhase ) # run $curPhase in subshell (...)

in these subshells, there is set -e to stop the script on the first error. now, when a build phase fails, the subshell is terminated, but the runPhase function keeps running, and the debug shell keeps running

continue running

nix-build-debug also allows to continue running a build phase from a certain line in the build phase

example: the buildPhase fails on a command on line 10. now we can modify the script and continue running the buildPhase from line 10


start shell

nix-build-debug '<nixpkgs>' -A hello

list phases

runPhase [Tab][Tab]

run phases

runPhase unpackPhase
runPhase configurePhase
runPhase buildPhase
runPhase installPhase

installPhase will install the build result in $NIX_BUILD_TOP/result*

continue running a phase

when a phase fails, fix the phase script

nano $NIX_BUILD_TOP/.nix-build-debug/lib/

then continue running the phase, for example from line 123

runPhase buildPhase 123

see also


  • nix-shell
    • nix-shell with build dependencies of derivation
    • nix develop
    • rewrite nix-shell in bash
      • generate rcfile for bash
      • dump nix-shell environment to json file
      • declare bash variables
      • declare bash functions
      • bashFunctions
  • nix-build
    • what would nix-build do
    • debug build phases of nix-build
    • debug a failing nix-build
    • debug a failing nix build
  • nix
    • nixos
    • nixpkgs


debug failing nix-build in interactive bash shell






