QGIS plugin to set up a project including default variables, gpkg connections, and Kart repos (in the future).
This plugin sets up project variables to allow easier automation of tasks such as layout generation. After installation, a submenu is created for the plugin, titled "Manage Project." To set project variables, click the first option ("Project Setup...") to begin the process, and enter values for:
- project file location and name
- template geopackages to import, if any
- project number
- project name
- project client
- project location
- project address
- designed by
- reviewed by
- project datasources
If you specify to import GeoPackage templates, you will be prompted to select the template(s) to import.
Optionally, you can specify a default location to look for templates, by setting a global QGIS variable
called "gpkg_path" (not currently a part of the plugin, you'll need to set this yourself). If this variable
is not set, QGIS will start in your home directory.
The plugin will rename the templates by prepending the project number to the front of the GeoPackage name.
There is one special case hard-coded into the plugin, for a GeoPackage named "Blank.gpkg"; a file with this name will be renamed either "{project number}.gpkg", or "_.gpkg" if a project number isn't specified. The intent with this setup is to allow for setups where you have, for example, a template for layers related to a hydrologic analysis, "hydro.gpkg", which would be saved as "001.001_hydro.gpkg", as well as a blank catch-all GeoPackage just called "001.001.gpkg."
Project datasources are intended to be in the format "City of XXXX (2024)" to aid in layout generation.
Often it is necessary to add additional datasources over the life of a project. This menu allows you to do so.
This plugin is designed to work in concert with embedded QGIS macros, to dynamically add and remove connections
on a per-project basis. The plugin sets a project variable listing all the GeoPackage connections the user wishes
to be associated with the project; by using the macro code here, you
can read this project variable when opening a project, removing any GeoPackage connections unrelated to the project.
Running the "Manage Persistent GeoPackage Connections" dialog will allow you to add any currently-connected GeoPackages to the whitelist, ensuring they are still present the next time the project is opened.