This is a Spring Boot application, written in Kotlin, providing visit allocation services. Used by the Visits team.
To build the project (without tests):
./gradlew clean build -x test
./gradlew test
The hmpps-visit-allocation-api uses the deployed dev environment to connect to most of the required services, with the exception of the visit-allocation-db and localstack (for AWS SNS/SQS services locally).
To run the hmpps-visit-allocation-api, first start the required local services using docker-compose.
docker-compose up -d
Next create a .env file at the project root and add 2 secrets to it
SYSTEM_CLIENT_ID="get from kubernetes secrets for dev namespace"
SYSTEM_CLIENT_SECRET"get from kubernetes secrets for dev namespace"
Then create a Spring Boot run configuration with active profile of 'dev' and set an environments file to the
file we just created. Run the service in your chosen IDE.
Service | Port |
hmpps-visit-allocation-api | 8079 |
visit-allocation-db | 5445 |
localstack | 4566 |
To create a Token via curl (local):
curl --location --request POST "" --header "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n {Client}:{ClientSecret} | base64)"
or via postman collection using the following authorisation urls:
Grant type: Client Credentials
Access Token URL:
Client ID: <get from kubernetes secrets for dev namespace>
Client Secret: <get from kubernetes secrets for dev namespace>
Client Authentication: "Send as Basic Auth Header"
Call info endpoint:
$ curl 'http://localhost:8079/info' -i -X GET
To help test notification events locally we can send events to localstack to replicate what NOMIS would do.
Follow steps for set-up / running at top of README
brew install awscli
aws configure
Put any dummy value for AWS_ACCESS_KEY=test and AWS_SECRET_KEY=test and eu-west-2 as default region. The queueName is the value of hmpps.sqs.queues.prisonvisitsallocationevents.queueName on the application-.yml file. So the queue URL should be - http://localhost:4566/000000000000/{queueName}
Step 4 - Send a message to the queue. The below is a prisoner.conviction-status-updated event for prisoner A8713DY.
aws sqs send-message \
--endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 \
--queue-url=http://localhost:4566/000000000000/sqs_hmpps_visits_allocation_events_queue \
--message-body \
'{"Type":"Notification", "Message": "{\"eventType\": \"prisoner-offender-search.prisoner.conviction-status.updated\", \"additionalInformation\": {\"nomsNumber\": \"A8713DY\", \"convictedStatus\": \"Convicted\"}}", "MessageId": "123"}'
If you are unsure about the queue name you can check the queue names using the following command and replace it in the above --queue-url value parameter
aws sqs list-queues --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566
to check messages on the actual queues on localstack (queue and dead-letter queue), visit the following URL.[…]000000000000/sqs_hmpps_visits_allocation_events_queue[…]6/000000000000/sqs_hmpps_visits_allocation_events_dlq