NOTE! If you have used earlier versions, please notice that the database structure has changed. Please make sure that your database structure matches the one in the file database_schema.sql.
The idea is to use a separate database where we collect download statistics from the DSpace log files (and from the DSpace database). It's not a problem if this collecting process is slow because we don't have to run it often (for example once a day or once a month depending how you configure things).
The other part is displaying collected statistics which is implemented using a Java servlet. A user goes to a web page where she can select a community and time span for which she wants to see the download statistics. The servlet then reads from our separate database and generates a page that displays required statistics. This process has to be fast (enough).
Before installing Simplestats, please make sure that you already have these installed:
- DSpace (obviously)
- Python
- PyGreSQL
- Java compiler and Ant
- PostgreSQL(*)
- Tomcat or some other servlet container(*)
(*) You can (but don't have to) use the same PostgreSQL and servlet container that you are already using for running your DSpace instance.
Installation steps:
Create a database (and maybe a database user too, if you don't already have one that you can use here).
Edit (if needed) pg_hba.conf so that the user can access the database.
Create tables to the database using database_schema.sql (the file in this same directory). For example, if your database is called simplestats and your database user is dspace, the command is something like this:
% psql -U dspace simplestats < database_schema.sql
% cd simplestatscollector
% cp
Edit, the 'input_db' is your DSpace database (don't worry the script will NOT modify it, it only reads it) and the 'output_db' is the database you created in the step 1. Don't forget to configure 'log_dir'.
Now you are ready to run the script...
% ./
... and as you can see that without parameters it just gives some instructions. Follow those instructions.
Running the script may take few minutes per month.
% cd simplestatsreport/src/fi/helsinki/lib/simplestatsreporter/
% cp
Edit to have right parameters to access the dabase you created in the step 1. Also remember to configure DSPACE_URL.
% cd simplestatsreport
% cp
% cp build.xml.tmpl build.xml
Edit build configuration files to match your environment and then compile and install:
% ant install
At this point you should be able to point your web browser to http://yourwebserver/simplestatsreport/front
If you run into trouble with the database connection, you may need to replace simplestatsreport/web/WEB-INF/lib/postgresql.jar with your local, more compatible version.
Finally, if everything seems to work fine, you can edit your crontab file to run simplestatscollector/ script every day.
Note that "Simplestats" is completely separate from the DSpace which means that if you want to, you can run it on a different computer - just make sure that the Python script can access DSpace log files and DSpace database.
Furthermore "Simplestats" has three different parts: the Python script (the only part that has to access DSpace), the Java servlet and the PostgreSQL database. There is nothing that forces you run those three parts on a same computer.