Do you think the commands are too long? Simply configure your shell by editing .zshrc
; for example,
function xa() { if [ $# != 0 ]; then for i in $*; do heprefs abs $i; done; fi }
function xx() { if [ $# != 0 ]; then for i in $*; do heprefs pdf $i; done; fi }
function xget() { if [ $# != 0 ]; then for i in $*; do heprefs get -o $i; done; fi }
function xsource() { if [ $# != 0 ]; then for i in $*; do heprefs source -u $i; done; fi }
(or see below) and you will just type xget 1802.07720 1708.00283
etc. to download multiple PDFs!
For Python 2 or 3.
$ pip install heprefs
or you can install specific version by, e.g.,
$ pip install git+ # for v0.1.0
$ pip install git+ # for development version
$ pip install --upgrade heprefs
$ pip uninstall heprefs
$ heprefs abs 1505.02996 # arXiv
$ heprefs abs hep-th/9711200 # arXiv (old style)
$ heprefs abs ATLAS-CONF-2017-018 # CERN Document Server
$ heprefs abs 10.1038/nphys3005 # DOI (inspireHEP)
$ heprefs abs "fin a Ellis" # inspireHEP (first result is only shown)
$ heprefs abs 9709356 # equivalent to 'hep-ph/9709356'
PDF may not be found for CDS or inspireHEP queries.
$ heprefs pdf 1505.02996 # arXiv
$ heprefs pdf ATLAS-CONF-2017-018 # CERN Document Server
$ heprefs get 10.1038/nphys3005 # DOI (inspireHEP)
$ heprefs get "fin a Ellis" # inspireHEP (first result)
$ heprefs get -o "fin a Giudice" # open the PDF file
$ heprefs authors 1505.02996
$ heprefs first_author hep-th/9711200
$ heprefs title 10.1038/nphys3005
$ heprefs short_info ATLAS-CONF-2017-018
There are three types: arXiv, inspireHEP, and CDS. They are automatically guessed, but you can specify a type:
$ heprefs abs -t arxiv 1505.02996 # arXiv
$ heprefs abs -t cds "top asymmetry" # CDS
$ heprefs abs -t ins "top asymmetry" # inspireHEP
$ heprefs abs ATLAS-CONF-2017-018 # guessed as CDS search
$ heprefs abs -t ins ATLAS-CONF-2017-018 # forced to use inspireHEP
In your .zshrc
, .bashrc
, etc...
alias xa='heprefs abs'
alias xx='heprefs pdf'
alias xget='heprefs get'
or if you want to handle multiple arguments,
function xa() { if [ $# != 0 ]; then for i in $*; do heprefs abs $i; done; fi }
function xx() { if [ $# != 0 ]; then for i in $*; do heprefs pdf $i; done; fi }
function xget() { if [ $# != 0 ]; then for i in $*; do heprefs get -o $i; done; fi }
function xsource() { if [ $# != 0 ]; then for i in $*; do heprefs source -u $i; done; fi }
(You may want to use inspire search as well, though this is not a feature of this software.)
function browser() {
google-chrome $* & # on Linux
# open $* -a Google\ Chrome # on macOS
function fin() {
local query; if [ $# != 0 ]; then; for i in $*; do; query="$query+$i"; done; fi
query=`echo $query | sed 's/^\+//'`
browser\?p=fin+$query &
function insp() {
local query; if [ $# != 0 ]; then; for i in $*; do; query="$query+$i"; done; fi
query=`echo $query | sed 's/^\+//'`
browser\?p=$query &
and now you can invoke
$ xa 1505.02996
$ xget 9709356
$ fin a Giudice and Masiero
$ fin bb hep-th/9711200
$ insp relaxion
$ heprefs debug 1505.02996