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mjc-gh committed Jan 6, 2024
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Expand Up @@ -12,55 +12,160 @@ I wrote a Go version of Kredis to help me learn Go and the Redis
client package. This exercise also helped me explore generics in detail.

In theory, there should be full interoperability between this Go package
and the Ruby version, thus enabling services either language to work
and the Ruby version, thus enabling services in either language to work
together over Redis.

## Types
## Usage

To Kredis, you must first configure a connection. The default connection
configuration is named `"shared"`. `SetConfiguration` expects a config
name string, optional namespace (pass an empty string for no namespace),
and a Redis URL connection string.

kredis.SetConfiguration("shared", "ns", "redis://localhost:6379/2")

- [Lists](#lists)
- [Slots](#slots)
Kredis comes with a simple logger, which is useful for testing and
development. The logger will output the Redis commands that are executed
and how long they took. It's nearly identical to the output the we see
in the Ruby Kredis version.

### Lists
To enable debug logging, simply call:

l := NewIntegerList("users")

n, err := l.Append(1, 2, 3) // RPUSH users 1 2 3
## Types

- [Counter](#counter)
- [Cycle](#cycle)
- [Enum](#enum)
- [Flag](#flag)
- [Limiter](#limiter)
- [Slot](#slot)

Collection types:

- [List](#list)
- [Set](#set)
- [Hash](#hash)
- [Ordered Set](#ordered-set)
- [Unique List](#unique-list)

### Counter

cntr, err := kredis.NewCounter("counter")
n, err := cntr.Increment(1) // MULTI, INCRBY counter 1, EXEC
// 1, nil
n, err := cntr.Increment(2) // MULTI, INCRBY counter 2, EXEC
// 3, nil
n, err = l.Prepend(9, 8) // LPUSH users 9, 8
// 2, nil
n, err := cntr.Decrement(3) // MULTI, DECRBY counter 3, EXEC
// 0, nil
cntr.Value() // GET counter
// 0

ids = make([]int, 5)
n, err := l.Elements(ids) // LRANGE users 0, 5
// 5, nil
### Cycle

// read some elements with an offset
last_2 = make([]int, 2)
n, err = l.Elements(last_2, WithRangeStart(3)) // LRANGE users 3 5
// 2, nil
cycle, err := kredis.NewCycle("cycle", []string{"ready", "set", "go"})
cycle.Index() // GET counter
// 0
err := cycle.Next() // GET counter, SET counter 1
// nil
err = cycle.Next() // GET counter, SET counter 2
// nil
cycle.Index() // GET counter
// 2
val := cycle.Value() // GET counter
// "go"

Different typed factories exist for these types:
### Enum

- `NewBoolList`
- `NewStringList`
- `NewTimeList` over `time.Time`
- `NewJSONList` over the `kredisJSON` alias type
vals := []string{"ready", "set", "go"}

enum, _ := kredis.NewEnum("enum", "go", vals) // SET enum go
enum.Is("go") // GET enum
// true
val := enum.Value() // GET enum
// "go"
err := enum.SetValue("set") // SET enum set
// nil
err = enum.SetValue("error")
// invalid enum value (Kredis.EmptyValues error)

It's possible to provide a default value as well:
### Flag

strs := NewStringWithDefault("lines", []string{"hello", "redis"})
err := strs.Remove("hello") // LREM lines 0 "hello"
flag, err := kredis.NewFlag("flag")
flag.IsMarked() // EXISTS flag
// false
err = flag.Mark() // SETNX flag 1
// nil
n := strs.Length() // LLEN lines
// 2
flag.IsMarked() // EXISTS flag
// true
err = flag.Remove() // DEL flag

flag.Mark(kredis.WithFlagMarkExpiry("1s")) // SET flag 1 ex 1 nx
flag.IsMarked() // EXISTS flag
// true

time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)

flag.IsMarked() // EXISTS flag
// false

You can use the `WithFlagMarkForced` option function to always set the
flag (and thus not use `SET` with `nx`)

flag.Mark(kredis.WithFlagMarkExpiry("1s")) // SET flag 1 ex 1 nx
flag.Mark(kredis.WithFlagMarkExpiry("10s"), kredis.WithFlagMarkForced())
// SET flag 1 ex 10
flag.IsMarked() // EXISTS flag
// true

time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)

flag.IsMarked() // EXISTS flag
// true

### Limiter

The `Limiter` type is based off the `Counter` type and provides a
simple rate limiting with a failsafe on Reids errors. See the original
[Rails PR for more details](

`IsExceeded()` will return `false` in the event of a Redis error.
`Poke()` does return an error, but it can easily be ignored in Go.

limiter, _ := kredis.NewLimiter("limiter", 5)
limiter.Poke() // MULTI, INCRBY limiter 1 EXEC
limiter.Poke() // MULTI, INCRBY limiter 1 EXEC
limiter.Poke() // MULTI, INCRBY limiter 1 EXEC
limiter.Poke() // MULTI, INCRBY limiter 1 EXEC

limiter.IsExceeded() // GET limiter
// true
err := limiter.Reset() // DEL limiter
// nil
limiter.IsExceeded() // GET limiter
// false

### Slots

slot := NewSlot("slot", 3)
slot, err := kredis.NewSlot("slot", 3)
slot.Reserve() // GET slot + INCR slot
// true
slot.IsAvailable() // GET slot
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,6 +194,155 @@ slot.Reserve(func () { fmt.Println("called") })
// true

### List

l := kredis.NewIntegerList("users")
n, err := l.Append(1, 2, 3) // RPUSH users 1 2 3
// 3, nil
n, err = l.Prepend(9, 8) // LPUSH users 9, 8
// 2, nil

ids = make([]int, 5)
n, err := l.Elements(ids) // LRANGE users 0, 5
// 5, nil

// read some elements with an offset
lastTwo = make([]int, 2)
n, err = l.Elements(lastTwo, WithRangeStart(3)) // LRANGE users 3 5
// 2, nil

Different typed factories exist for the `List` struct:

- `NewBoolList`
- `NewFloatList`
- `NewStringList`
- `NewTimeList` over `time.Time`
- `NewJSONList` over the `KredisJSON` alias type

It's possible to provide a default value as well, which will use `WATCH`
to transactionally set the value if the key does not already exist. For
lists, this entails calling `Append` and using `RPUSH` to add the
default elements.

strs, err := kredis.NewStringListWithDefault("lines", []string{"hello", "redis"},)
// WATCH lines
// EXISTS lines
// RPUSH lines hello redis

err = strs.Remove("hello") // LREM lines 0 "hello"
// nil
n := strs.Length() // LLEN lines
// 2

### Set

t := time.Date(2021, 8, 28, 23, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
times := []time.Time{t, t.Add(1 * time.Hour), t.Add(2 * time.Hour), t.Add(3 * time.Hour)}
set, err := kredis.NewTimeSet("times")
set.Add(times...) // SADD times 2021-08-28T23:00:00Z 2021-08-29T00:00:00Z 2021-08-29T01:00:00Z 2021-08-29T02:00:00Z
// 4, nil
members, err := set.Members() // SMEMBERS times
// []time.Time{...}, nil
set.Size() // SCARD times
// 4
set.Includes(t) // SISMEMBER times 2021-08-28T23:00:00Z
// true
set.Includes(t.Add(4 * time.Hour)) // SISMEMBER times 2021-08-29T03:00:00Z
// false
sample := make([]time.Time{}, 2)
n, err := set.Sample(sample) // SRANDMEMBER times 2
// 2, nil


Different factory functions exist for various `Set` types (this is the
case for all collection types). It's possible to provide a default using
the `WithDefault` factories.

kredis.NewStringSetWithDefault("set", []string{"a", "b", "c"})
// WATCH strings
// EXISTS strings
// SADD strings a b c

The `Add` function is used to set the default. Thus, `SADD` is used when
the key does not already exist.

### Hash

dogs := map[string]kredis.KredisJSON{"ollie": *kredis.NewKredisJSON(`{"weight":9.72}`), "leo": *kredis.NewKredisJSON(`{"weight":23.33}`)}
hash, _ := kredis.NewJSONHash("pets")

n, err := hash.Update(dogs) // HSET pets ollie {"weight":9.72} leo {"weight":23.33}
// 2, nil
val, ok := hash.Get("ollie") // HGET pets ollie
// {"weight":9.72}, true
keys, err := hash.Keys() // HKEYS pets
// []string{"ollie", "leo"}, nil
vals, err := hash.Values() // HVALS pets
// [{"weight":9.72} {"weight":23.33}], nil
entries, err := hash.Entries() // HGETALL pets
// map[leo:{"weight":23.33}
// ollie:{"weight":9.72}], nil
hash.Clear() // DEL pets

### Ordered Set

oset, err := kredis.NewStringOrderedSet("ranks", 4)
add, rm, err := oset.Append("a", "b", "c") // MULTI
// 3, 0, nil ZADD ranks 1.704562075576027e+09 a 1.7045620755760288e+09 b 1.7045620755760298e+09 c
add, rm, err := oset.Append("a", "b", "c") // MULTI
// 2, 1, nil ZADD ranks -1.704562075576382e+09 d -1.7045620755763829e+09 e
members, _ := oset.Members() // ZRANGE ranks 0 -1
// [e d a b]
oset.Size() // ZCARD ranks
// 4
oset.Includes("d") // ZSCORE ranks d
// true
oset.Includes("c") // ZSCORE ranks c
// false

For more details on the underlying Redis implementation for the
`OrderSet` type, refer to the [original Ruby
PR]( for this feature.

### Unique List

Similar to `OrderedSet`, this type exepcts a `limit` as well

uniq, err := kredis.NewFloatUniqueList("uniq", 5)
n, err := uniq.Append(3.14, 2.718) // MULTI, LREM uniq 0 3.14, LREM uniq 0 2.718, RPUSH uniq 3.14 2.718, LTRIM uniq -5 -1, EXEC
// 2, nil
n, err = uniq.Prepend(1.1) // MULTI, LLREM uniq 0 1.1, LPUSH uniq 1.1, LTRIM uniq -5 -1, EXEC
// 1, nil
llen, _ := uniq.Length() // LLEN uniq
// 3, nil

elements := make([]float64, 3)
n, err := uniq.Elements(elements) // LRANGE uniq 0 3
// 3, nil

uniq.Clear() // DEL uniq

### Scalar types

- `NewBool` and `NewBoolWithDefault`
Expand All @@ -97,28 +351,26 @@ slot.Reserve(func () { fmt.Println("called") })
- `NewTime` and `NewTimeWithDefault`
- `NewJSON` and `NewJSONWithDefault`

k, err := NewInteger("myint", Options{})
err = k.SetValue(1024) // SET myint 1024
// nil
k.Value() // GET myint
// 1024
k, err := NewInteger("myint", Options{})
err = k.SetValue(1024) // SET myint 1024
// nil
k.Value() // GET myint
// 1024


Implement additional Kredis data structures

- other scalar types
- float type
- on lists and other collections
- some sort of map type (serialized as json) ??
- document all types in README
- make API more succinct
- always use `expiresIn` when possible (lists, sets, and other collections). or refactor `ProxyOption` to not allow it for certain collection types?
- github test matrix with multiple versions of Go and Redis
- test commands with some sort of test env `ProcessHook` for redis
- [pipelining]( ??
- with only kredis commands?
- with a shared redis client?
- More test coverage:
- Better coverage all possible generic types for collections
- Test Redis commands with some sort of test env `ProcessHook`. This
is useful when checking expiration is set correctly without using
`time.Sleep` in tests.

### Future Features

- Other scalar types
- Some sort of map type (serialized as json)
- Explore support for [pipelining](
- With only kredis commands?
- With a shared redis client?

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