COS 333 Spring 2018
jump to section: the team, design doc, timeline, elevator speech
Team Members:
Andrew Zeng ( - LEADER
Annie Zou (
Chi Yu (
May Jiang (
TA: Jeremie
Elevator Speech:
MealUp is a cross-platform mobile app that helps Princeton students schedule meals with their friends. Input your availability for meals over the next week and MealUp will find a time for you to meet up with your friends over a meal. Easily request meals with friends and groups of friends and keep track of who you plan to eat with by exporting to your calendar app. Login to MealUp using Facebook to immediately start scheduling meals with all your friends!
Week 1 (3/17 - 3/24 [spring break]):
Goals: do all the necessary learning, get a better idea of how our app will be created
- Learn React-Native (JS, React), Redux, How NoSQL works, Firebase Authentication, Database, and Cloud Functions, CSS Flexbox
- Set up project repository on GitHub
- Learn how to get list of friends from Facebook API
- Create project website
Week 2 (3/25 - 3/31): Weekly TA meetings start this week
Goals: Rough UI, figuring out how to read and write to our database, figure out basic idea of the Cloud Functions we need
- Facebook Authentication, list of friends done
- Have all the components we need figured out (possibly coded)
- Plan how to use Redux (organize state)
Week 3 (4/1 - 4/7):
Goals: rough UI completely coded, code database interaction code, Cloud functions
- Components coded
- Basic request implemented and received by other user
- Database code done
Week 4 (4/8 - 4/14): Project prototype on 4/13
Goals: make UI look better, bring all the parts together, test on ourselves
- Make accounts and test functionality between our accounts
- UI styling
- Cloud Functions done
Week 5 (4/15 - 4/21):
Goals: Implement potential features
- Push notifications
- Group meal scheduling
- Repeated meals
Week 6 (4/22 - 4/28):
Goals: Alpha test on 4/27
- Thoroughly test application with corner cases and debug
Week 7 (4/29 - 5/5): Last class on 5/3
Goals: Beta testing
- Continue to test and debug
- Test on real users