Lightweight wrapper for Apple's StoreKit framework created with KISS and love ❤.
Attention! Project is under early development, use for your own risk.
Only for Non-consumable products now. Everything else coming later.
Uses ARC.
##Main concept
There are two request types:
- data request (
) for getting payment data (price and stuff); - payment request (
) for making payment.
So you basically request price and then execute the payment. That simple.
##How to use
###CocoaPods users
StoreKISS is available to install via CocoaPods. Edit your Podspec
platform :ios
dependency 'StoreKISS'
###Everyone else
- Add Apple's StoreKit framework to your project at Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries.
- Download (or checkout) Reachability and drop in Reachability.h and .m files into your project.
- Also download and drop in StoreKISS/Classes dir to your project.
#import "StoreKISS.h"
wherever you need it and start using.
##Usage examples
###Requesting data using blocks
StoreKISSDataRequest *dataRequest = [[StoreKISSDataRequest alloc] init];
success:^(StoreKISSDataRequest *dataRequest) {
NSLog(@"Received payment data.");
NSLog(@"Products %@", dataRequest.skResponse.products);
NSLog(@"Invalid product IDs %@", dataRequest.skResponse.invalidIdentifiers);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"Houston, we have a problem: %@"), error.localizedDescription);
###Requesting data using notifications
To register observer:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
To request data:
StoreKISSDataRequest *dataRequest = [[StoreKISSDataRequest alloc] init];
[dataRequest requestDataForItemWithProductId:@"com.example.myProduct"];
Notification handler:
- (void)didReceiveDataRequestNotificationSuccess:(NSNotification *)notification
NSLog(@"Received notification %@", notification.name);
StoreKISSDataRequest *dataRequest = (StoreKISSDataRequest *)notification.object;
NSLog(@"Products %@", dataRequest.skResponse.products);
NSLog(@"Invalid product IDs %@", dataRequest.skResponse.invalidIdentifiers);
Don't forget to remove the observer:
- (void)dealloc
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
###Buying a product using blocks
StoreKISSPaymentRequest *paymentRequest = [[StoreKISSPaymentRequest alloc] init];
success:^(StoreKISSPaymentRequest *paymentRequest) {
NSLog(@"Product was bought successfully.");
NSLog(@"Transaction ID %@", paymentRequest.skTransaction.transactionIdentifier);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"Houston, we have a problem: %@"), error.localizedDescription);
###Buying a product using notifications
To register observer:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
To buy product:
StoreKISSPaymentRequest *paymentRequest = [[StoreKISSPaymentRequest alloc] init];
[paymentRequest makePaymentWithSKProduct:skProduct];
Notification handler:
- (void)didReceivePaymentRequestNotificationSuccess:(NSNotification *)notification
NSLog(@"Received notification %@", notification.name);
StoreKISSPaymentRequest *paymentRequest = (StoreKISSPaymentRequest *)notification.object;
NSLog(@"Transaction ID %@", paymentRequest.transaction.transactionIdentifier);
Don't forget to remove the observer:
- (void)dealloc
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
The project provided with StoreKISS is not a demo, it is for running UIAutomation Tests.
In-App Purchase testing mechanism requires you to sign the app with a specific developer certificate and create an IAP item and a test user at the iTunesConnect portal. I can't provide you with all of these so demo will not run for you as expected.
Nevertheless before every new feature is commited UIAutomation Tests are run to test everything.
Documentation for the project is built with appledoc. You can install it to Xcode via running make doc-install
in Terminal:
git checkout https://github.com/mishakarpenko/StoreKISS.git
cd StoreKISS
make doc-install
Make sure appledoc is installed.
Feel free to open an issue on github or email me at karpenko.misha@gmail.com.
StoreKISS is available under the MIT license. See the License.txt file for more info.