Scripts for creating an Itemized set of Process Type=Acquisition only Physical Titles and changing the Management Tags to "Don't Publish".
Clone the repo
git clone
cd alma-unset-acq-tag
copy .env-example to .env
cp .env-example .env
edit .env with actual environment variables
build container
docker-compose build
bundle install
docker-compose run --rm app bundle install
start container
docker-compose up -d
- This command will run the create_set.rb script, which combines two sets into an Itemized set:
docker-compose run --rm app bundle exec ruby create_set.rb
- This command will run the set_tags.rb script, which will change the Management Tags of the newly created set to "Don't Publish":
docker-compose run --rm app bundle exec ruby set_tags.rb
- This command will run the tests:
docker-compose run --rm app bundle exec rspec