A loose collection of algorithms inspired by C++ Ranges, Thrust, APL/BQN, Haskell, Lisp, and others.
- Install dependencies
sudo apt get install libgtest-dev cmake g++
- Clone the repo
git clone #...
- Build and run:
# out-of-source build
cd cpp_algorithm && mkdir out && cd out && cmake .. && cd ..
cmake --build out/ && ./out/unit_tests && ./out/main
contains the implementations of the algorithms as functions, they are simple and can be used on their ownsrc/pipeline/
contains function objects which serve as pipeline adapters for each of the algorithms and allow creating bash-style pipelines with the|
contains several meta functions, including the implementation of the|
operator itself
These algorithm implementations are designed for ease-of-use, but are hard-coded to std::vector and do copy-by-value, which makes them slow. It does allow playing around with the algorithms early on, and are a first step on the road to the faster implementations.
- iota
- repeat (C++: fill)
- catenate
- zip
- use vector::operator[] as normal
- reverse
- rotate
- rotate_last
- take
- take_last
- drop
- drop_last
- gather (APL: postfix-operator [])
- scatter
- filter (C++: copy_if)
- grade
- shuffle
- reduce
- map (C++: transform)
- any
- all (APL: match)
- none
- size (APL: tally)
- rank
- not (logical)
- identity
- negate
- and (logical)
- or (logical)
- plus
- minus
- multiply
- divide
- modulo (is actually 'remainder')
- power
- minimum
- maximum
- equal
- not_equal
- less
- less_equal
- greater
- greater_equal
- least_common_multiple
- greatest_common_divisor
- find
- contains
- scan
- something to search for the largest/smallest etc element
- front / back
- at / get -- with and without bounds checking respectively (C++ convention 'at')
- slice / stencil
- inner_product / map_reduce
- sort
- e -- a bit short for a function name, it could collide with all sorts of stuff, maybe
? - pi -- less likely, but might collide with stuff as well, maybe
Or make a namespace math
which contains them as constexpr values, i.e. math::pi
and math::e
- sqrt: square root
- crt: cube root
- exp | exp_e: exponential e -- maybe with a default value of 1 so it's easy to get 'e'
- exp_2: exponential 2
- exp_10: exponential 10
- log | log_e: logarithm e
- log_2: logarithm 2
- log_10: logarithm 10
- deg: degree
- rad: radian
- sin: sine
- asin: arcus_sine
- cos: cosine
- acos: arcus_cosine
- tan: tangent
- atan: arcus_tangent
- abs: absolute
- ceil: ceiling
- floor: floor
- round: round
- take_while
- drop_while
- encode
- decode
- zip with next
- alternating reduction for minus and division (or some way of doing this)
- union (?) -- using DSU perhaps, or a hashmap
- difference (?)
- intersection (?)
- group by (returns a map of lists)
- chunk (returns list of lists)
- refactor to fold (manually specify init) vs. reduce (init = first element)
- fold_left, fold_right (see Haskell)
- roll
- deal
- binomial
- factorial
- implement a strided range / tensor datatype similar to mdspan or cv::mat
- outer product
- stencil
- view to apply any algorithm around one specified axis (i.e. column-wise plus-reduce)
- flatten
- transpose
- (re)shape (rename repeat to shape, and extend the 'count' to be an n-entry vector describing the desired n-dimensional shape)
- ravel (flatten)
- templated interval type with support for
- scalars, to reason about numbers
- iterators, to create and manipulate a 'view' on data
- union
- intersection
- difference
- overload other functions to take an interval as their [first, last) values
- iota
- stencil
- roll (generate a random number in the interval)
Copyright (c) 2024, Marco Nikander