StockDrops Desktop App v2.2.0
This repo contains information on, guidance for, and acknowledged issues in the public release of the StockDrops Desktop Application. This app aims to provide all with a better chance at purchasing today's most popular tech (GPUs, CPUs, New Gen Consoles) through quick in-stock notifications and product page pop-ups on supported websites.
It will be updated as fixes/updates are released. For now it supports Amazon, Newegg, Best Buy and B&H.
The application is provided as is with a full license as seen here. The application is in active development, so bugs and minor issues are to be expected.
All work on the application and server hosting is funded through courteus donations and user subscriptions within the app. Please consider donating through any of the following venues:
- PayPal Donate
- BTC: bc1qnvvq3ja54sc360p39smqm5r22yjq3xvzvy3hss
- ETH: 0x0a6ecfa2e8c9ca9757c8bb0ddc833710f044665c
Also, please feel free to visit us and share your feedback in our Discord and on Twitter.
Feel free to open an issue if you are having issues or have questions not answered in here. See this issue if you have trouble seeing the alerts: StockDrops#5
The app will provide the fastest notifications available. It is free to use, with some paid tiers in order to support its development (a developer costs about $50-$100 the hour). You get full customization of your alerts up to the SKU. And the stock will open automatically on your browser if you enable it. That means you are not slowed down by your reaction time.
The app uses the notion of Cooperative Stock Crawling. We are all helping each other by checking websites for stock. You, me, everyone who has the app will check websites at a reduced rate. Usually checking a website every 5 min or more. Making it extremely hard to be detected as a bot since we are crawling at extremely slow pace locally. But the trick is that all the clients are connected through an ultra-fast low latency network, so that if any of us finds stock, then we can alert the others of said stock and we can ALL benefit. Hence the notion of Cooperative.
Is this slower than just have the user check every second or quicker? No. Since we are thousand of users of the app!
- Windows 10 32/64-bit
- Download the latest version of the StockDrops Desktop App from our website or our GitHub mirror.
- Please read through the app's provided dialogue. It provides important info regarding the app's functionality. Once done, the app will guide you through the first-time setup. Before starting the setup, you will be given a chance to view the paid subscription tiers (found here). Click the "Ready" button when ready to proceed with the first-time setup.
- During the first time setup you will be redirect to some retailer websites so that you can log in, and be ready for drops. Log in! It's important for you to be ready. We can alert you super quickly but if you are not logged in you will MISS the drop.
- You will also be redirected to the user portal at create an account, or use a Microsoft account. (But remember which one you choose!). And then click on Set Up User Account at the top right! It's important to do this. We need your User Agent to properly browse like you.
- It will show you something like this:
- You are good to go on the setup at this point. So click "Done" in the app.
- The app should open now a page where you can login for the app on your default browser. It's important to do this step with the SAME ACCOUNT YOU CREATED IN THE PORTAL! If you signed up with a Microsoft account, then use a Microsoft account here as well! If you signed up with an email, then use the SAME email here, or the setup will fail complaining that it cannot read your User Agent (what you saved in step 4).
- Then you can proceed to the app's alert settings:
In here you can customize your alerts. You can select what products to enable, and which ones to disable completely. Your are the master of these settings.
You can even go deeper and select exactly which models/skus you want to be notified about. And select what items you want to have opened in the browser.
- You can at any time check for subs available at
- You should be set now. Remember you can minimize the app to the tray my going into the settings:
And you can set if you want the software to start with Windows.
You can also choose your theme. And you have a Do not Disturb mode as well:
At the bottom of the settings you can set Check for Updates, or you can open all the legal stuff about the app.
You can also enable software rendering if you care a lot about GPU usage (minening). Or you can scale the fonts. Making it easier to read.
If you have any issues you can post an issue. You can also skip the setup if really stuck.
There's a few issues that we have seen that can happen. And we will address here and tell you how to address them.
The first one is the URLs not opening in the browser. This is usually a registry key missing on your PC, and it's as easy to fix as to reset your default browser by going into the default apps.