Package website
The delayedflow
package in R is developed to perform a delayed-flow separation using streamflow data only. Commonly daily data is used. The package is based on the publication from Stoelzle et al. (2020) where common binary baseflow separation into quick- and baseflow is advanced by the DFI (Delayed Flow Index) to quantify multiple delayed contributions to streamflow. Normally 3-4 delayed contributions are separated by this method.
Specifically, the R package performs:
- DFI separations with variable block length N (baseflow separation has fixed N = 5 days)
- Estimation of n breakpoint(s)
- Quantification of relative streamflow contributions [0,1] in different delay classes
- Couple of minor analyses
The delayedflow
package is in beta testing now. It is not available on CRAN.
# ----- use package in R -----
Website with package documentation
Some example workflows are given in the Articles section.
# ----- get help in R after installation -----
help(package = "delayedflow")
Please report any issue you have with the package on
This is especially helpful to eliminate bugs and improve the functionality of the package.
Stoelzle, M., Schuetz, T., Weiler, M., Stahl, K., & Tallaksen, L. M. (2020). Beyond binary baseflow separation: a delayed-flow index for multiple streamflow contributions. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24(2), 849-867,
Baseflow function based on the lfstat package.