- 📡 Share the latest information on web development
- 📚 Provide learning resources for beginning students
- 🗿 Accumulate historical resources on the web industry.
gh repo clone kawakamimoeki/stock
cd stock
npm i
npx stock doc https://example.com/ --tags tag1,tag2
Merge tags if the document exists.
npx stock tag example-tag "Example Tag" --icon /path/to/image
is a slug.
If the tag exists, it will be updated.
npx stock tags
npm run dev
You can use any format you like. You can add many links at once. We may reject them for review depending on the content.
Of course, we are also looking forward to improvements to the site itself.
Please send bug reports and pull-reqs to https://github.com/kawakamimoeki/stock on GitHub. This project aims to be a safe, welcoming, and collaborative place, and contributors are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct.
This application is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License
All persons involved in the stock project are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct.