Democratization of IP use in game development and expansion of web3 native IP with games as the starting point.
In existing game development, famous IPs are basically monopolized by large companies. Mario, Pokemon, etc. IP is important in games. Many people play games because it is a new Mario game or a new Pokemon game. It is financially difficult for individual developers and small development companies to use famous IPs. A company ( has emerged to provide matching services between IP holders and game app developers who want to use them.
Now, let us consider IP in the world of web3 and blockchain games. This is based on the web3 philosophy of decentralization and anti-monopoly, and the blockchain technology itself is thought to be facilitating this movement. Interoperability and composability are noteworthy. Blockchain is, so to speak, a shared database. Therefore, all assets, logic, and transactions related to games are stored in the on-chain (shared database), and anyone can build services based on the content.
Anyone can develop games using the IP data on the on-chain.
Anyone can develop games using IP for free (or for a small fee), even individuals and small development companies. It also reduces the burden of character development. Due to the nature of Composability, developed games will be linked to the existing game economy, and an initial influx of users can be easily expected.
The spread of secondary productions will lead to the formation of a unique community centered on IP. The use of IP will not be limited to games, but may develop into a variety of entertainment contents such as animation, manga, and movies. The development will be community-based and spread naturally.
Unity 2021.3.18.f1 is required for development.
You will need a key for WebSocket communication.
Since each game is different, download the unitypackage from the link below for each and extract it in Unity.
The extracted Key.json must be placed in Assets/Resources/Key/.
For Game-A:
For Game-B:
Key Inputs
A Move left
D Move right
Space Jump
Game play is available at the following link
Key Inputs
Game play is available at the following link
The ConnectWallet button in the upper right corner allows you to connect a wallet.
Once the wallet is connected, you can use the character you own among the characters in the lower right corner.
Opensea Link :
Please buy a character NFT at Oppensea. 3 types are available.