An animation framework for using Addressable LEDs on an FRC robot.
Fancy-looking LEDs add that extra level of perceived expertise to any FRC robot. It doesn't matter if you have no autonomous, if you can't score any points, if there are more components on the floor than left attached to the robot, so long as you have blinking LEDS you are considered a "professional" team. This library is FRC Team 4999's home-grown solution for interfacing with and animating addressable LEDs.
No software in the world is going to be able to animate addressable LEDs if they're not attached to the robot. This library provides support for two methods of attaching the LEDs: direct connection to a PWM port and indirect connection via I2C and an arduino. However, if you have a home-grown solution that does not fit into either of those two categories, it is still possible to take advantage of the animation library by writing a custom adapter.
For more details, see
The javadocs can be accessed here.