D2.5 Support package for MONOCLE Low Cost Sensors
Funded by EU H2020 MONOCLE brings together 12 partners from across Europe to create sustainable in situ observation solutions for Earth Observation (EO) of optical water quality in inland and transitional waters.
Here you will find software and documentation for our low cost sensors (iSPEX, kDUINO, Fresh Water Watch)
This readme acts as a reference for the Low Cost Sensor support software and / or documentation. Both software and documentation are still into development, so the contents of this file/wiki can and will change over time
Low cost sensor users, (app) developers, MONOCLE Partners, people who are lookikng for low cost sensor integration solutions.
The spectacle app, scripts and back end are used for smartphone camera calibrations and captures RAW image sensor data along with positional data. The software (both iOS and Android) is a starting point for building the iSPEX (a smartphone spectropolarimater) app.
iSPEX 2 repository (Python) https://github.com/burggraaff/ispex2
Data reduction scripts in python, takes raw image and metadata from SPECTACLE app/DB.
SPECTACLE Repository (Python) https://github.com/monocle-h2020/camera_calibration
iOS and Android calibration apps (xcode and android studio development resources).
IOS https://github.com/monocle-h2020/spectacle_ios
Android https://github.com/monocle-h2020/spectacle_android
Mobile back end. Used for storage, metadata, push notifications, offline sync.
SPECTACLE/iSPEX Back end database dump https://github.com/monocle-h2020/spectacle_db
The KdUINO is a low-cost moored system that measures downwelling irradiance at different depths with Kd as an output parameter (more information here: http://www.citclops.eu/transparency/measuring-water-transparency)
- KduPro code https://github.com/Carlos-Rodero/KdUINO_Feather?organization=Carlos-Rodero&organization=Carlos-Rodero
Data analysis codes https://git.csic.es/36579996Z/kduino-data-analysis
The MONOCLE project uses drones with different devices attached to perform measurements above the water.
Sitemark created guidelines the correctly use the DJI GSPro drone pilot app for data collection over water. This app works on ios systems. The flight guidelines are referenced here: https://github.com/monocle-h2020/low_cost_sensor_support_package/blob/master/Monocle%20Flight%20Guidelinesv12020704_update.pdf To support drone pilots in their flight mission planning, Sitemark created a website (called MONOCLE Flight Planner) to help define coordinates for the drone to hover in order to capture a certain buoy and in function of the position of the sun.
FreshWater Watch is a global project which enables individuals and communities to monitor, protect and restore their local water resources.
FreshWater Watch trains people around the world to collect water and analyse water samples from local rivers, lakes, and other bodies of fresh water. The resulting data provides the evidence needed to support efforts aimed at improving water quality.
FreshWater Watch was launched in 2012 as part of the HSBC Water Programme. Since then, Earthwatch has expanded this flagship project to reach volunteers, research organisations, and schools across the world. (https://earthwatch.org.uk/get-involved/freshwater-watch)
FWW methods URL :https://freshwaterwatch.thewaterhub.org/content/your-test-kit FWW methods document: https://freshwaterwatch.thewaterhub.org/sites/default/files/fww-methods-manual.pdf
FWW health and safety document: https://freshwaterwatch.thewaterhub.org/sites/default/files/health-and-safety-manual.pdf
FWW site selection info: https://freshwaterwatch.thewaterhub.org/content/freshwater-watch-how-guide
FWW data upload instructions: https://freshwaterwatch.thewaterhub.org/about/faq
FWW Geoserver URL for earthwatch is: https://geo.earthwatch.org.uk/
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776480
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