Get your ultimate candidate
Kodomasuta is a Japanese name for Code Master. It's a code assessment application with tests for various programming languages with an admin page where you can invite candidates for coding challenges. Candidates can also take tests to improve their own skills.
- Ruby, Ruby on Rails, npm
Install dependencies for the client that uses React JavaScript.
npm install --prefix client
Install dependencies for the client that uses Ruby and Rails. Bundle dependencies on terminal.
bundle install
foreman start -f
- Methods - index, show, create, update, delete
- Methods - index, show, create, update, delete
- Methods - index, show, create, delete
- Methods - index, show, create, update, delete
- Methods - index, show, create, update, delete
Deletion or updates in models such as assessments and questions requires authorization as technical mentor
Create a feature or bugfix branch for your changes. For example ft-user-card
for a feature or bug-model-validations
for a bugfix branch. Commit small changes and often. Note that the reviewers may request commit squashes when necessary.
After commits pushed are ready create a pull request for the feature and notify the reviewer if applicable to merge to the development branch
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files in accordance with the MIT license