Superheroes is an REST API that allows you to interact with your favorite superheroes.
index | show | create |
{{host}}/heroes | {{host}}/heroes/:id | {{host}}/heroes |
{{host}}/powers | {{host}}/powers/:id | {{host}}/powers |
{{host}}/hero-powers | {{host}}/hero-powers/:id | {{host}}/hero-powers |
Superheroes uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Ruby
- Rails
Superheroes requires Ruby v2.7+ and Rails to run.
Install the dependencies and start the server.
bundle install
Migrate into the database and seed with provisioned fake data...
rails db:migrate db:seed
Create a feature or bugfix branch for your changes. For example ft-sessions
for a feature or bug-model-validations
for a bugfix branch. Commit small changes and often. Note that the reviewers may request commit squashes when necessary.
After commits pushed are ready create a pull request for the feature and notify the reviewer if applicable to merge to the development branch
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files in accordance with the MIT license
Made with ❤️ - Twitter