196 commits
to main
since this release
Patch Changes
- 1683b96: Media queries are now generated mobile-frist by default, fixed also the order of the css generated at build time to be sure that media queries are computed in he right way
- Updated dependencies [1683b96]
- Updated dependencies [b094895]
- @morfeo/core@0.9.1
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.9.0 (2023-04-16)
- version v0.8.0 (fd2fcb2)
0.8.0 (2023-01-28)
Note: Version bump only for package @morfeo/hooks
0.7.0 (2022-05-30)
Bug Fixes
- #136 (50ca5e4)
- adaptation for last npm version (95b88bc)
- added server side snapshot callback (5cd5ceb)
- Closes #113 (f3b7f8a)
- commonjs export fixed (bcaca44)
- fixed typing of packages (57267c5)
- hooks commonjs build (d5ac23f)
- prettier (6dfc59e)
- readme files fix and licenses added (c71286a)
- removed styled-component-web package and fixed tets (7bccfc0)
- #142 (52cc477)
- #144 (16b382a)
- #148 (b59ff1c)
- #150 (33be120)
- #158 upgrade to React 18 (d02d2a6)
- #86 comment of useMorfeo hook fixed (e84fc36)
- add theme removal (fb20b50)
- added pubish config to packages (23241fc)
- added pwa plugin to documentation website (1808781)
- closes #65 (bbf6e32)
- deep scan improvements (014aed3)
- documentation improvements (4ad3b5d)
- documentation update (2bf10e7)
- flatted parser.resolve method (5ce2c10)
- hooks package added (0637789)
- introucing svelte package and sandbox (0e8e9e2)
- licenses updated (45b042a)
- native package (356cbd6)
- readme files added to all the packages (819e60b)
- READMEs updated (5637cfc)
- replaced space slice with spacings (9aaf30a)
- useStyles hooks added (fee9d48)
- useSubscribe hook introduced (8de68f2)
- web styled-components package introduced (a7677c3)
- website link replaced inside readme files (1e55a6d)
- @morfeo/core: breaking change the the core api:
- morfeo.useTheme renamed into morfeo.setCurrentTheme
- morfeo.getCurrent renamed into morfeo.getCurrentTheme
0.6.0 (2022-05-26)
Bug Fixes
- removed styled-component-web package and fixed tets (7bccfc0)