Feedback on the functionallity is highly appreciated.
iSpindle replacement firmware with these main features:
- Operates in two modes gravity monitoring and configuration mode
Ingravity monitoring
mode it behaves just like the iSpindle, it wakes up at regular intervals, measures angle/tile, temperature, calculates gravity and pushes the data to defined endpoints.
Inconfiguration mode
the device is always active and the webserver is active. Here you can view the angle/tilt values, change configuration options and more. When in this mode you can also interact with the device
via an REST API so data can be pushed to the device via scripts (see API section for more information). - Can send data to multiple endpoints at once
- Build in function to create gravity formulas, so no need for using other tools for this part
- Automatic temperature adjustment of gravity reading
- OTA support from local webserver
- DS18B20 temperature adjustments
- Gyro Movement detection
- Support for Celcius and Farenheigt as temperature formats.
New in this release:
- Creating gravity formula on device
- Refactoring and code cleanup
- Totally rewritten documenation on github pages