v1.1.0 Beta 1
This is a beta release and since I have updated a number of dependant libraries I need to do a long term test before this is an official release. The ESP32 release needs a lot of testing due to a major upgrade of the arduino libraries.
Please use the firmware update in the web interface to apply this version.
- Fixed errors in data format section
- Added q&a on formula creation and value deviation
- Added documentation for Brewpiless as target
- Updated docs for ubidots service integration.
- Added brewblox as new service
User interface
- Under format options its now possible to select brewfather ispindle format to avoid mixing endpoints.
- Added brewblox as format under format options.
- User can now edit the voltage level that forces the device into config mode (charging)
- Added storage mode which is activated under hardware setting. When place on the cap (<5 degres tilt) the device will go into
storage mode and sleep for the max allowed time.
- Upgraded framework for ESP8266 to v5.0.0
- Upgraded framework for ESP32 to v2.0.2
- Updated OneWire library to be compliant with new ESP32 SDK
- Fixed issue in i2cdev connected to wrong usage of TwoWire on ESP32 (Gyro initialization hang).
Issues adressed
- BUG: Copy format templates used an old format for iSpindle and Gravmon where the token was not used.
- BUG: Gravity correction formula not calculating correctly.